Romney's unanswered argument dealing with Obama's Green Energy.

Romney responsed to Obama's criticism of four million dollars in federal subsidies, with these words:  

“But don’t forget, you put $90 billion, like 50 years’ worth of breaks, into — into solar and wind, to Solyndra and Fisker and Tester and Ener 1. I mean, I had a friend who said you don’t just pick the winners and losers, you pick the losers, all right?  . . . . . . . . . .You put $90 billion into — into green jobs. And I — look, I’m all in favor of green energy,” Romney said. “$90 billion, that would have — that would have hired 2 million teachers. $90 billion.”  . . . . . . . .  And these businesses, many of them have gone out of business, I think about half of them, of the ones have been invested in have gone out of business.    A number of them happened to be owned by people who were contributors to your campaigns.”   (words taken directly from debate notes). 

Before he left the subject,  Romney told Obama and the larger audience,  that if he gets corporate taxes down to 28 percent,  then,  certainly,  the subsidies "are on the [cutting]  table."  

There was no Obama rebuttal  --  not even a whimper. 

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