Now is the time for the final Conservative Push and it will be historic. Will it be enough? Time will tell, but this campaign will not lack for effort and money.

What to expect with coming debates: 

For starters,  I do not think either man will hit a “home run.”     You should know that nearly all the majors polls put this race at a “tie.”  Rasmussen believes the split is 47/46 with 15% undecided or willing to change their minds. 

For what it is worth,  I believe that all Romney needs to do a) sound presidential and hold his own with B Obama;   b) effectively explain and defend his ideas for healing America and c),  drive home the fact that,  after four years of Obama ineptness, “healing” is the first order of business. 

More than this,  the conservative campaign machine is about to hit “full stride.” More than 28 million dollars in ads are about to be unleashed in the Swing States.  Rasmussen has Romney tied with Obama in the 12 state region being called "the Swing States."  Every blog from my size  and larger,   to the giants at Brietbart,   Weazel Zipper,  Legal Insurrection, the Blaze,  The Right Scoop,  The Daily Caller, and on and on,  will be publishing accurate but devastating information the American Voter may need to make an informed decision.  

Demographics and Obama’s pending loss of support
Univsison,  for some reason,  has decided that now  - God bless their hearts -  five weeks before the elections,  to inform its audience of the grave injustice done to the Mexican people via Fast and Furious.  Obama needs to win in the Hispanic community by an 80/20 margin.  Most polls have him stand at 60/40. 
Of the 99 million whites who voted in the 2008 election,  Barry Hussein managed to score with 43% of them.   Today,  he only has 34% of that population,  only 26% of the blue collar white working folks. 
Jesses Jackson’s daughter,  on Fox News late last week,  predicted a 10% reduction in total turn out.  That represents 13 million fewer voters,  70% of which were Obama voters in 2008. 
The Black vote will be effected by two factors,  1) disappointment in Obama,  effecting turnout (down 15% from 2008 levels)  and  2) his stance on gay “marriage.” 
The Catholic Church is planning three week campaign against Obama,  just before November 6. Obama’s attack on religious conscience,  is despicable and must be rejected at all costs. 

History and Obama’s pending loss of support
History works against Obama,  as these debates continue.  There are no comparable events working against Mitt Romney. 
Libya,  a growing scandal and national disgrace,  works against Obama.  There is nothing of equal proportions effecting Romney.   American’s were raped and murdered because of Obama’s thoughtless abandonment of his people,  standing in the eye of a predictable storm.  After three weeks,  the crime scene at the embassy remains “unsecured;”  the FBI has not entered the burned out consulate once,  despite the fact that American reports have entered the embassy and documented a number of issues  -  but no FBI.  Most call this “a cover-up” of infamous proportions,  even a criminal cover-up.
Fast and Furious is a second and growing scandal,  and works against Obama to the exclusion of his opposition.  Two federal agents were murdered under this Obama policy,  and,  perhaps, a third agent as a result of an attack,  Monday evening.  Univsion’s coverage has reconstituted this scandal and their timing could not be worse for Barry Hussein. 
His claim to have decimated al Qaeda is laughable,  in a sad way.  Obama is being burned in effigy in some 20 different nations.  He has completely lost control of Middle East events.  He no longer interrogates terrorists,  and has not for more than three years  --   hence the “surprise” in Libya and Egypt. 
His relationship with Israel combative and obviously so.
He has failed to end the Iranian nuclear crisis after four years of doing nothing of any consequence.   

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