In this video, Obama justifies violence in the name of stealing from the rich. Sooo, isn't Obama and Pelosi and Reid and Denny Hoyer and Chuckie Schumer and Maxine Waters all rich folk?

The philosophy of nonviolence only makes sense if the powerful can be made to recognize themselves in the powerless. It only makes sense if the powerless can be made to recognize themselves in the powerful. You know, the principle of empathy gives broader meaning, by the way, to Dr. King’s philosophy of nonviolence. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but rich people are all for nonviolence. Why wouldn’t they be? They’ve got what they want. They want to make sure people don’t take their stuff. But the principle of empathy recognizes that there are more subtle forms of violence to which we are answerable. The spirit of empathy condemns not only the use of fire hoses and attack dogs to keep people down but also accountants and tax loopholes to keep people down. I’m not saying that what Enron executives did to their employees is the moral equivalent of what Bull Connor did to black folks, but I’ll tell you what, the employees at Enron feel violated. When a company town sees its plant closing because some distant executives made some decision despite the wage concessions, despite the tax breaks, and they see their entire economy collapsing, they feel violence . . .

Editor’s note:  just to be clear,  you break into my home to steal my stuff,  you are going to get shot.  And it is not because I am rich.  In fact,  it is because I am not rich.   

To excuse violence on the basis that it is a reaction to  repression at the hands of the so-called rich,  is criminal,  in and of itself. 

Martin Luther King, Jr.,  would have never made a similar statement and proof of that is the fact that he didn’t make such a statement.  Sowing the seeds of justifiable violence in a contest between the haves and the have-nots,  is third world and Communist at its very roots.  It was Karl Marx who maintained that violent revolution would precede a nation’s move into communism.  

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