Updated for content: Here is what is being reported in the House investigation going on, as I write. Pardon the random nature of this report.

I have been listening to the House committee hearings,  all morning.  It is being aired on C-Span.  Here is a very brief report.  The committee is meeting during the congressional recess and is being conducted throughout much of the day,  today,  9/10/2012.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is currently in meeting,  investigating the Libyan disaster.   Here are some of the facts mentioned, thus far. 

There were more than 230 events involving violent protest within Libya since June of 2011.  It got so dangerous,   the British consulate moved in late spring of 2012.  Threats were made to the Red Cross and its facilities were attacked with rocket fire in June of 2012. The Red Cross,  then,  left the region.  The embassy,  itself,  came under attack on two occasions, in 2012,  before the 9/11 attack.  The Administration and the State Department,  were fully aware of all of this reported turmoil,  yet, continued to push the idea that the situation in the "new" Libya was improving.  The claim that there was no "actionable intelligence" was/is a preposterous lie.  The extreme danger in Libya was a well known fact that Obama decided to ignore.  

One of the four individuals sworn in,  included a Mr. Nordstrom.  He served as primary security adviser to the embassy until July 2012.     He testified that the State Department had no plans for securing the embassy compound,  that the Department had left this planning up to him,  Nordstrom.    He was clearly critical of this non-action.  

Lt.  Col Andrew Wood's (a member of the Utah National Guard and
former State Department site security Team command in Libya until July of 2012)  testimony  disagreed with Charlene Lamb’s testimony that in May of 2012,  things in Libya were going "quite well."  (Charlene Lamb  is Deputy Assistant  Sec of State for International Programs.  Unlike Wood and Nortstrom,  she was based in the States.) 

Lt. Col Andrew Wood told the panel,  "I believed the attack on the embassy was a terrorist attack the instant I was made aware of that attack."  More than this,  Lt. Col. Wood never believed embassy personnel were safe. 

In the hearing,  Wood and Nortstrom were respectfully critical of the State Department,  if not the Administration, itself.  Ms. Lamb and Patrick Kennedy were very defensive of the Administration.  Neither could answer the most basic questions as to "what did you know and when did you know it,"  in spite of the fact that they had plenty of time to prepare for this hearing.  Several GOP congressmen expressed disbelief and outright anger and the incompetence of those incharge of the health and safety of our diplomats.  Perhaps the most incredible circumstance of all,  was found in the fact that the security units were taken out of the region in spite of pleas to the contrary by all parties in the field,  including the Ambassador.  

According to the testimony of Wood and Mr. Nortstrom,  instead of giving the embassy the SST's requested,  or,  at least,  allowing them to remain in Libya,  the three SST units (6 men, each)  in the country were removed over a period of months or given new assignments within Libya,  elsewhere.    No reason was given by the Administration or the State Department for the reassignments.     

Clearly,  concerns for increased violence were being reported to the State Department and ignored.  The SST units added superior weapons and superior tactics to that region.  These teams were extracted or relocated,  before the end of the summer in 2012. 

SST = Special Security Team,  these are counter-terrorist groups used in maintaining security in situations evolving from an increased terrorist circumstance. 

Understand that there are two criminal actions,  involved in this situation:  one is the criminal neglect of the State department and,  two,  the cover-up,  itself.  Either Hillary needs to be fired or Obama needs to be impeached . . . . . . . or both.  This is most disgraceful diplomatic failure in American history,  and many in the Democrat Party are willing to look the other way.  

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