Gallup may have been forced to alter its polling precesses in the face of legal threats from the Obama Admionistration.

Internal emails between senior officials at The Gallup Organization, obtained by The Daily Caller, show senior Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod attempting to subtly intimidate the respected polling firm when its numbers were unfavorable to the president.
After Gallup declined to change its polling methodology, Obama’s  Department of Justice hit Gallup with an “unrelated lawsuit” that appears damning on its face.
The Daily Caller is withholding the identities of the Gallup officials (whisle blowers all) to protect them from potential retaliation from Obama’s campaign and his administration.  See the Daily Caller report.

In late September Gallup made a change in its methodology that allowed for a reversal of the Romney/Obama comparison.  This went into effect October 1.  It included a more "balanced use of land line phones and cell phones.It is a well known fact 70% of all cell phone usage is at the hands at the young people who,  invariably lean “liberal,” 

I can  find no evidence that the "unrelated lawsuit" continues to be pursued by the DoJ.

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