Five years hidden, we have a 40 minute video that gives us a cold blooded man willing to divide a nation along racial lines.

The Daily Caller has given  us a  2007,  Obama Hampton Speech, presented to an exclusive, elite, black audience.  

This video has been kept under raps for five years.  It is a 38 minute speech.   Click on Daily Caller, here,  and you will find the full speech,  nowhere reproduced except at the Caller.  (there are clips of the speech,  but the full speech is at the Daily Caller).  

What is laughable is the fact that Obama changes his accent and cadence in order to sound "black,"  something non-blacks and non-authentic "blacks" do.  Hillary did it;  Al Gore did it.  What is not laughable is his decision to use race to advance his candidacy for the presidency.  

As you watch this video,  understand that this man is an U.S. Senator on the campaign trail for the highest office in the nation.  

In this speech, Obama is clearly pandering to the anger and disappointment of blacks.  The speech,  from beginning to end, is about one thing:  "If you are black,  the federal government does not care about you."    He makes it clear that money for Katrina, as one example,   was not fairly dispersed to the New Orleans area because of the ethnicity of region  -  in spite of the fact that the Bush Administration gave the area 7 billion dollars “no strings attached.”   

With this video, we have an Obama willing to say whatever needs to be said in order to be accepted by those within his circle of  influence.    His commentary is one thing,  his manner of speech is nothing less than pandering.  And,  his willingness to pit blacks against whites is disgusting and a bit scary.   

In so doing,  he disqualified himself from being the leader of this nation  -  but it all was covered up by the Marxist Media,  specifically ABC,  NBC, CBS,  the NY Times,  the Boston Globe,  the LA Times,  CNN and the anarchists at MSNBC.  

In the end,  fives years later,  we are left with this question: "What specifically has he done to improve the welfare of the black community?"  Honestly,  can you think of one thing?  I can not.  More than this,  look at the heightened racial tension that exists because of his presidency.  

Keep in mind that he has not walked in a single black protest except for the Million Man Muslim March,  conducted by Louis Farrakhan.  Martin Luther King, Jr.,  would not have shared in the anger of Jeremiah Wright or the treachery of Louis Farrakhan  --  but Obama is dismissive of both men's faults and willing to divide this nation in order to accomplish his personal immaturities and long held mischief for this nation.  

While this election is not about Obama and his treatment of blacks, per se,   it is about Obama and his willingness to divide the nation and say and do whatever it takes to advance his opaque intentions for this country and his personal future.  

In this video,  we have a 40 minute window into this man's soul and it comes up lacking.  

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