Debate claims and notes: Re automatic weapons.

The big bad hunters over at Crooks and Liars,  ran this headline:

Romney Bizarrely Claims Automatic Weapons Are 'Illegal' in the US.  What is funny about this headline, is a.) Crooks and Liars thinks you can go into an established gun shop in America and buy a fully automatic weapon,  and, b.) the confirming comments of its readership.  

Here is a Clock 9 mm.  I own several clips,  one
loaded with blanks.  If I have a break-in,  I fire one
round out of my blank clip and immediately change
out to the loaded clip.  

I own a Glock 9 and a small arms  Ruger breakdown rifle.  Both are semi automatics, 

After reading the story at Crooks and Liars,  I called one of the local gun stores in the area and asked if this was State law or a Federal Law.  "Federal" was the response.  That is what Romney has in mind.  One cannot go into a gun story and buy a fully automatic weapon off the shelf anywhere in this country.  

I doubt the Governor is a big "gun guy" and is only aware of this Federal law.  He might not be aware of the fact  that,  with certain weapons,  a civilian can buy a conversion kit.  The "automatic" conversion kit is legal. In other words,  a civilian can possess an automatic weapon,  but he has to built it,  on his own.  

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