Anti-colonial, anti-captialist; these are the themes of the Obama Administration.

Apologies to the readership,  but,  we really need to know what we are up against. 

<<<<<<   You should know that anyone who is an anti-capitalist is,  in fact,  a Marxist socialist at some level.  This is why the Obama Administration is full of these types;  this is why Obama hates the tea-party and pretends that the anarchists in Occupy actually have something meaningful to say that justifies their existence;  this is why his new flag does not have 13 stripes – he does not want a symbol (the American flag) that honors the 13 colonies. 

One State instead of 50;  no honor for the
13 colonies (the 13 stripes);  a borderless flag.
One of the themes on this blog (and so many other Patriot blogs) is the fact that the New Democrat Party is full of what we call,  “anti-colonialists.”  Some do not know what this means.  Well,  this poster gives you the general emphasis of the word. 

Obama is one of these folks.  These people hate this country for what it is and intend to change it into something that it is not. 

May of 2008 - MICHELLE OBAMA's anti-colonial agenda made to sound acceptable: "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

Understand that if these people were “in charge” in 1776,  there would have been no United States of America.  Rather,  they would have voted for extending the governance of the European State and,  in time,  would have fought to establish socialism as defined by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx. 

One thing for certain,  you will never hear anyone in Democrat Party leadership single out this poster and criticize it as un-American.  

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