Two more American soldiers murdered in Afghanistan. Total dead fighting Obama's war: 2,000. Anyone know what the "Commander" has in mind besides a full-throated retreat all in the name of a "negotiated peace?" Understand that this is a man who will throw ANYONE under "the bus." Kind of scary when your kid is fighting for this person, no?

Understand that Commander Hussein Obama is thinking of returning the Blind Shiek to Egypt in a show of “peace.”  The word is already out that he is about to release 55 “detainees” out of GITMO.  He has ordered a “stand down” on air support for our troops,  he,  willing to sacrifice our men and women to the enemy for an imagined sense of “fairness.”   

When asked,  he has refused to give “victory” a working definition.  

He has outed the Navy Seal Team that killed Osama bin Laden  --  17 members of this team were,  then,  murdered 12 weeks later.  He has outed the name of the Seal who wrote the truth about the killing of bin Laden  . . . .  revealed the man’s name (!!!) in one of the most despicable retaliatory actions ever taken by a Commander against one of his own. 

He has walked off and left the Pakistani, bin Laden-informant,  to rot and die in a Muslim prison somewhere in that country. You can take this prediction to the bank: the American press will never mention this story again.  In time,  we all will forget about this man,   one of the key “players” in the killing of Osama bin Laden.  He will die in anonymity without a footnote in history.      

Hussein O. has bragged and bragged about killing Osama  (i.e. “Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive)  more than 20 times at the National Convention.  He has released secret information to the Hollywood media in return for a film detailing the killing.  This bit of Obama propaganda  is scheduled to be released in December after members of his campaign team talked him out of releasing the “Osama bin Laden is dead” movie in the weeks before the election.   (Anyone want to bet that we will never see this film??)

He is treating the “war on terror”  as if there is no war.  In his pathetic mind,  the war ended the day Osama was killed. 

He is pulling the United States out of the Middle East in toto,  leaving us with no serious influence in the region.  Apparently,  he thinks he can buy the allegiance of Muslim leadership without diplomacy or a military presence  . . . . .after all,  pay-offs,  bribes,  and gifts to the American voting poor have worked so well for him back  in the Homeland.  

Not only are we gone from the region,  he stopped interrogating the Muslim enemy the day he took office.  I am telling you that the has not interrogated a single "detainee" in four years.  

That Libyan problem?  He did not see it coming because he no longer wants to know what the hell they are doing . . . . so he doesn't bother to ask.  We know less about Jihads intentions than we did the day he took office.  

He is our first president with a criminal's heart and conscience.  Time for him to be gone.  

Update: keep in mind that in Egypt,  Muslim radical took 19 hostages,  6 or 7 (no one seems to know for certain) of them were Americans.  Obama because the first American president to pay a ransom for the release of hostages.  It got virtually no "press" at the time,  but the fact is Obama shelled out 5 million dollars and took this "Carter-like" story off the table.  

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