Turns out that Muslim terrorists are killing our soldier . . . our unarmed soldiers.

The uptick in attacks by Afghan security forces against coalition troops has hit home, with all troops at NATO headquarters and all bases across Afghanistan now ordered to carry loaded weapons around the clock, CNN learned Friday.
Gen. John Allen, the NATO commander in Afghanistan, ordered the move, according to a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the orders. The order, made in recent days, was divulged amid two more so-called green-on-blue or insider attacks Friday.

An Afghan police officer opened fire on U.S. troops in Farah province in southwestern Afghanistan, killing two service members, the NATO-led command said. Two International Security Assistance Force troops and an Afghan service member were wounded by another Afghan service member in Kandahar province, in the south. (Sourced at CNN, here

Ten American soldiers have died in these attacks and,  as it turns out,  their weapons were not l0aded.  In other words,  our soldiers have been ordered to walk around certain combat areas without being armed and ready.  Which idiot commander came up with this decision?  Could it have been the Commander In Chief,  himself?

Maybe this explains why the military disapproves of Obama by a margin of 59 to 35 percent margin.  You think ??!! 

Some will argue that this situation only applied to "green zones"  and I am saying this,  a "green zone" in Afghanistan is always a combat zone.  

We need to get our troops out of Afghanistan before the current American leadership gets more of our soldier killed.  


  1. The quranic vs you quoted, that image is not the true translation. Stop spreading lies

    1. From its first days, Islam has been a "religion" of terror against Jews, Christians and infidels. Those are the specific words used in the Koran. As to this verse and its translation, here are additional translations:

      Sahih International: And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.

      Pickthall: And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah. But if they cease, then lo! Allah is Seer of what they do.

      Yusuf Ali: And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do.

      Shakir: And fight with them until there is no more persecution and religion should be only for Allah; but if they desist, then surely Allah sees what they do.

      Muhammad Sarwar: Fight them so that idolatry will not exist any more and God's religion will stand supreme. If theygive up the idols), God will be Well Aware of what they do.

      Mohsin Khan: And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do.

      Arberry: Fight them, till there is no persecution and the religion is God's entirely; then if they give over, surely God sees the things they do;
