Obama's Legacy: he lost the Big Game against a team that was forced to sit on the sidelines

<<<<<  "Look guys, the other team is being forced to sit on the side lines.  Now is our time.  Surely,  we can't lose this game,  too?!!!!"  

What Obama Could Have Done had he been thinking?

Understand that in the first two years of the Obama presidency,  the man could have had anything he wanted but what he wanted most was in conflict with what could have been  -  proving, of course,  that there is a God.  

Never ever forget,  that Obama and his Democrat "leadership" had a GOP proof Senate and House for two full years.  Instead of getting things done  -  who in the world could have stopped him  -  he squandered the greatest opportunity since FDR to get things done from a liberal's point of view  -  and the true liberal of this country knows this.  

And what was the first order of business?  To pay back his constituency -- enter “The Stimulus.”  Understand that this bill was essentially written over the course of two years.  He began work on this bit of legislation in 2007.  That is why it became law just 28 days after he became president  (February 17 of 2009).  Three quarters of this bill went to Democrats, Democrat controlled congressional districts and Democrat sponsored unions.  It did not work as a “jobs bill”  because it was not about jobs.  In fact,  if you remember,  the only jobs he actually mentioned had to do with pot-hole repair, the creation of the “finest windows in the world,”  weather stripping, and,  solar panels that we now buy from China.  Those “shovel ready” jobs?  You know,  bridges and roads and the like?  Turns out “shovel ready was not as shovel ready as we had thought.” 

Pay back and the take-over of healthcare,  these constituted the first order of business. 

He lost the opportunity to set into law a comprehensive Cap and Trade policy  -- the Republican Party could not have stopped this effort from becoming law . . . . but he really never even tried.

He lost the opportunity to set into law a comprehensive immigration law -- the Republican Party could not have stopped this effort from becoming law . . . . but he really never even tried.

He could have packed the federal courts with Leftwing judicial activists.  Instead,  his nomination rate is one of the lowest in modern times  -- the Republican Party could not have stopped this effort from becoming reality . . . . but he really never even tried.

He could have created vocational schools and work programs giving long term benefit to the poor but, instead,  he threw money at them and called it “growing the economy from the middle out”   -- the Republican Party could not have prevented this from happening,  even if they wanted to  . . . . but he really never even tried.

He could have continued the effort to bring peace to the Middle East  -  but,  again,  he really never even tried. 

Why do you suppose Hillary refused to run as his VP?  Because she did not want to be saddled with Obama’s failures . . . . . . and they are legend.  

In the end,  his legacy is one of failure as to the advancement of true liberalism  --  and this failure came in a time when it appeared that failure was impossible.  

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