I told you this bunch was all about communism. See the 2 minute video.

Let Obama criticize these people . . . .  for a change.  You do know that Van Jones,  Obama's first "Green Czar,"  was an actual card carrying communist for ten years and "Occupy" was his political dream.  Obama's own comments were most encouraging of Occupy.  Elizabeth Warren, aka Prince Sitting Full of Bull,  claims to be the "intellectual head" of Occupy.  Big Labor (the AFL-CIO and others) gave their support to this movement and the Marxist Media has pretended that it (Occupy) was having a larger influence than the tea-party movement.  And now,  in this video,  we have the truth about Occupy and its ties to communism.  

Progressive labor is a revolutionary communist organization,” Golash said during an Occupy DC “People’s Assembly” on August 19.
Its objective is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.”

Does anyone not think that "fundamental transformation" is identical to full scale revolution????  This is what has been happening for the four years . . . . . Obama taking America up by its roots and recreating it in the image of the far Left,  the anti-capitalists,  the socialist unions and the One World cabal.  Or,  in the words of Michelle Obama,  another revolutary radical:  

   May of 2008:   MICHELLE OBAMA: "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."

Thanks to the Daily Caller for the video.  

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