On September 28, 2011, just nine months ago, Obama explains why he cannot do what he did on Friday, of last week.

 Will we as a people, ever tire of hearing Obama say one thing and then,  another?  

“If I can’t get it done in three years,  then this is a one term presidency.”  

“I guarantee one thing,  immigration reform will be done in 2009.”  

“I will not use the services of lobbyists.”  

“I am opposed to gay marriage.”  

“The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are ill advised.”  

“I promise to comply with the McCain/Feingold campaign funding law.”  

"Unemployment will not rise above 8%."

"We should be well on our way to recovery within two years."  

“All proposed bills will be posted 5 days before a vote can occur.” 

“I could no more reject Pastor Wright than I could refuse my own mother.”  

“I am a Christian but I will not speak at a meeting if the name  ‘Jesus’  appears in plain sight.” (Georgetown and the ordered covering of "Jesus")

"The health care legislative debate will be conducted on C-SPAN."  

“I will close GITMO in my first year.”  

“We will be out of Iraq and Afghanistan by 2010.” 
 Note: all quotes are nominal in nature.  

And now, this intentional falsehood.  

Go to minute 26 or just before to hear Obama explain why he cannot
take the law into his own hands regarding immigration.  Of course, on
Friday, June 15, he did just that . . .  ordered his Homeland Security minions to
establish a new policy that would allow provide temporary amnesty for a
small part of the illegal immigrant population.  He decided not to fix the
problem when he could,  in 2009, choosing, rather,  to make it a campaign
issue for 2012 and his Hispanic subservants are buying into his dialogue. 

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