Juan Williams thinks we will hate the High Court's ObamaCare decision . . . poor fellow.

Juan Williams / The Hill:
Opinion: Defeat of healthcare law would erode voters' trust in Supreme Court  —  Every political strategist working the fall elections sees a game changer coming by the end of the month.  —  That's when the Supreme Court rules on the constitutionality of President Obama's signature legislative accomplishment, the Affordable Care Act. . . . . . . 
Poor Juan Williams; there is not a more likable fellow.  But his opinion makes no sense whatsoever.  Understand that with a Rasmussen report,  released this morning,  only 38% of Americans want this law to continue as written.  Surely,  Juan is aware of this fact.  The  American voter has never approved of this bill.  But,  leave it to the Left,  nice guys and all,  to diss the High Court and do its best to bring it down, if, in fact,  it is seen as working against its Marxist agenda.  Understand that the Marxist Left are,  first and foremost,  anarchists in their revolution methodology.  "They" only embrace law when it supports their cause.  

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