Here is Intrade's prediction on ObamaCare (Wednesday) - 73.6% chance ObamaCare will be declared unConstitutional. Keep this in mind when it predicts an Obama victory for November. (no article)


  1. Republicans came up with 2 healthcare bills - BOTH included an individual mandate. Oh, but when a Democrat proposes a mandate, it's "Socialism". (no, it's simply hate, hyperbole, hysteria, BS, and a touch of racism).

    Here are the individual mandate bills and their sponsors:

    Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act of 1993 Sponsors:
    Robert Bennett [R-UT], Christopher Bond [R-MO], David Boren [D-OK], William Cohen [R-ME], John Danforth [R-MO], Robert Dole [R-KS], Pete Domenici [R-NM], David Durenberger [R-MN], Duncan Faircloth [R-NC], Slade Gorton [R-WA], Charles Grassley [R-IA], Orrin Hatch [R-UT], Mark Hatfield [R-OR], Nancy Kassebaum [R-KS], Robert Kerrey [D-NE], Richard Lugar [R-IN], Alan Simpson [R-WY], Arlen Specter [R-PA], Ted Stevens [R-AK], John Warner [R-VA]

    Consumer Choice Security Act of 1994 Sponsors:
    Robert Bennett [R-UT], George Brown [R-CO], Conrad Burns [R-MT], Daniel Coats [R-IN], Thad Cochran [R-MS], Paul Coverdell [R-GA], Larry Craig [R-ID], Robert Dole [R-KS], Duncan Faircloth [R-NC], Charles Grassley [R-IA], Judd Gregg [R-NH], Orrin Hatch [R-UT], Jesse Helms [R-NC], Kay Hutchison [R-TX], Dirk Kempthorne [R-ID], Trent Lott [R-MS], Richard Lugar [R-IN], Connie Mack [R-FL], Frank Murkowski [R-AK], Alan Simpson [R-WY], Bob Smith [R-NH], Ted Stevens [R-AK], Strom Thurmond [R-SC], Malcolm Wallop [R-WY].

  2. All of this was before the New Conservative TEA party movement. It was such legislative ideas that brought about the conservative rebellion within the GOP.

    Not one of the names mentioned in your worthless post are around, certainly not a part of the GOP leadership of today . . . . not one.

    I could go back to the vote in congress on the first civil rights legislation, back in the mid-1950's. The Dems voted that down. I could list the names and and and . . . . so what??

    The individual mandate is out and the tax penalty that took its place has not teeth. By that, I mean, you can refuse to pay the penalty and the IRS cannot do one thing to you. Did you know that?
