When Gays say they "just want to be treated as equals," they are only kidding. They consider themselves "special" and expect to be treated as "special." Here is the legislative proof.

<<<<<  Understand this, when the North American Man-Boy Love Association is attached to any bill governing sexual discimination,  something is wrong. All members of NAMBLA  should be in jail, not free, on the streets, supporting legislation. 

Editor's notes:  if it is already legally wrong to bully folks who are red-headed, or perceived to be ugly, or short, or too tall, or handicapped,  or mentally superior (i.e. the "geek") or whatever,  then this bill is simply unnecessary. 

But this bill is not about bullying or fat people would be named and included.  Rather,  it is about setting up a protected class of students within the  nation's government run school systems and giving them power,  as a protected class, that trumps all others within the particular student body.  Just as "hate crime laws" were/are totally unnecessary,  so too, is this bit of nonsense  . . . . . . unless, of course,  the goal is other than concerns over the care and equitable treatment of students within the  system.  Proof of my "special class" charge is the found in the fact that the bill,  as written,  protects only the sexually confused child to the exclusion of all other students. 

The effect of this bill would be to criminalize the bullying of the sexually confused,  and,   turn the public school system into a police state.  Can you imagine the nightmare involved in a school protecting itself from potential lawsuits,  driven by the ambulance chasing legal community?  

I taught "Special Ed" in California for a number of years.  I quit for several reasons including the fact that I was not permitted to know the health status of a student with AIDS, if bitten by a student.  Understand that ALL other relevant health information was available  (whether the student had hepatitis, for example), but the Queer Lobby, in California,  had taken all AIDS information relevant to the handling of the handicapped student body,  "off the table,"  putting the health and safety  of school employees at extreme risk. 


Official Summary to House bill HR 998 (In the Senate - S 555) :  

3/10/2011--Introduced.  Student Non-Discrimination Act of 2011 - Prohibits public school students from being excluded from participating in, or subject to discrimination under, any federally-assisted educational program on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity or that of their associates. Considers harassment to be a form of discrimination. Prohibits retaliation against anyone for opposing conduct they reasonably believe to be unlawful under this Act. Authorizes federal departments and agencies to enforce these prohibitions by cutting off the educational assistance of recipients found to be violating them. Allows an aggrieved individual to assert a violation of this Act in a judicial proceeding and recover reasonable attorney's fees should they prevail. Deems a state's receipt of federal educational assistance for a program to constitute a waiver of sovereign immunity for conduct prohibited under this Act regarding such program.

Source site:  Open Congress.  Please note that the summary, above,  and the list of names below (not including highlights and my bracketed comments) are the work of Open Congress, here.  You will need to visit that site for a read of the bill,  itself.  -  blog editor. 

Pertinent parts of this bill include these statements taken from the bill:  

Understand that discrimination is discrimination and bullying is just that, as well.  It is not “worse” or intensified because one is or pretends to be gay - editor

(1) Public school students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT), or are perceived to be LGBT, or who associate with LGBT people, have been and are subjected to pervasive discrimination, including harassment, bullying, intimidation and violence, and have been deprived of equal educational opportunities, in schools in every part of our Nation.

Again,  this bill is not about bullying,  in general.  Rather it specifically sets up a special class of victims for no good reason at all,  except to advance the Gay Agenda.  The fact remains,  there is no legal reason for the inclusion of the following clause - editor

(2) While discrimination, including harassment, bullying, intimidation and violence, of any kind is harmful to students and to our education system, actions that target students based on sexual orientation or gender identity represent a distinct and especially severe problem.

Those supporting this bill in the House of Representatives include: 

Mr. POLIS (for himself, Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. FARR, Mr. BACA, Mr. FILNER, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts  [Yes, this is Barney], Ms. BERKLEY, Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, Mr. BERMAN, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. GUTIERREZ, Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, Mr. BRALEY of Iowa, Mr. HIMES, Mrs. CAPPS, Mr. HINCHEY, Mr. CAPUANO, Ms. HIRONO, Ms. CASTOR of Florida, Mr. HOLT, Ms. CHU, Mr. HONDA, Mr. CICILLINE, Mr. ISRAEL, Ms. CLARKE of New York, Mr. JACKSON of Illinois, Mr. COURTNEY, Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas, Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. KILDEE, Mrs. DAVIS of California, Mr. KUCINICH, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. LANGEVIN, Ms. DEGETTE, Mr. LARSON of Connecticut, Mr. DEUTCH, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. DOYLE, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. ELLISON, Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. ENGEL, Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. LUJAN, Mr. KEATING, Mrs. MALONEY, Mr. MARKEY, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Ms. MATSUI, Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey, Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Ms. LINDA T. SANCHEZ of California, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. MCGOVERN, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. SHERMAN, Ms. MOORE, Ms. SPEIER, Mr. MORAN, Mr. STARK, Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut, Ms. SUTTON, Mr. NADLER, Mr. TONKO, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. TOWNS, Mr. NEAL, Ms. TSONGAS, Ms. NORTON, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. OLVER, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. WAXMAN, Mr. PETERS, Mr. WEINER, Ms. PINGREE of Maine, Mr. WELCH, Mr. QUIGLEY, Ms. WOOLSEY, Ms. RICHARDSON, Mr. WU, Mr. YARMUTH, Mr. COHEN, Mr. CUMMINGS, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. PASCRELL, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, and Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce

Groups supporting this bill include:  

Specific Organizations Supporting H.R.998
o    Human Rights Campaign
o    Lambda Legal
o    Advocates for Youth
o    American Association of University Women
o    American Civil Liberties Union
o    American Federation of Teachers
o    American Psychological Association
o    CenterLink
o    Communications Workers of America
o    Episcopal Church
o    Family Equality Council
o    Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
o    Gay-Straight Alliance Network
o    Human Rights Watch
o    People For the American Way
o    National Association of Human Rights Workers
o    National Association of School Psychologists
o    National Center for Lesbian Rights
o    National Black Justice Coalition
o    National Center for Transgender Equality
o    National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund
o    National Women's Law Center
o    Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
o    Southern Poverty Law Center
o    Transgender Law Center
o    Unitarian Universalist Association
o    United Methodist Church, General Board of Church and Society
o    American Counseling Association
o    Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance
o    Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
o    Center for American Progress Action Fund
o    Child Welfare League of America
o    Disciples Justice Action Network
o    Friends Committee on National Legislation
o    Immigration Equality Action Fund
o    Interfaith Alliance
o    National Asian Pacific American Women's Forums
o    National Council of Jewish Women
o    Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S.
o    The Trevor Project
o    Woodhull Freedom Foundation
o    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
o    National Education Association
o    Catholics for Equality
o    Credo Action

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