Who is winning the "free speech" issue? Hint, it ain't Obama, since he does not believe in free speech.

Know what these “news” outlets have in common?  Washington Wire,  Politico, Think Progress,  Huffington Post, and ABC News?   They are all Democrat staging agencies.   Each ran a similar headline:  All male contraception panel criticized  (ABC). 

Of course,  this is not a “contraception panel.”  Far from it.  Rather,  it is an investigative committee determined to get the “other” point of view from Churches,  mosques and synagogues,  those who  oppose abortion, institutionally, and are being forced to change their doctrine,  in violation of the First Amendment.   This is a panel looking into a Constitutional issue.  The libs have lost the war against abortion,  so they have decided to narrow the field of discussion and make an issue out of contraception. 

While comparatively few are buying this charade,   CNN just released a pole that finds 50% of Americans think Obama is wrong,  and Rasmussen recently released a poll that showed  59% of Catholic women disagreed with Obama’s Constitutional runaround the First Amendment.   Obama has really stepped in it.  This gets to be a campaign issue and good for Mr. O.  We didn’t need his help,  but we will take it,  anyway.

Now,  if foreclosures send retail housing back into a recession,

If gas gets to $4.50 a gallon,

If inflation takes off,

If the Middle East,  especially Egypt, Libya, Gaza, Syria and Iran, blow up,

If Iraq goes back in time, 

If Russia sets up a military outpost in Columbia,

If Obama cuts our nuclear inventory by 80% without equal concessions from Russia and China,

If Media Matters is exposed, Larry Sinclair is for real, Obama’s  use of cocaine was not just a young adult binge,  Fast and Furious gets tied to his Administration,  the green lobby pay for play scandal take off or the Supreme Court strikes down ObamaCare, 

well, just imagine how one sided this coming election could get.  


  1. Sorry, the story of an all male GOP committee calling an all-male group of experts to tetify on womens health is so very typical of the GOP - essentially a body of mostly straight white men who feel they can force their theocratic views on women's health and women's choice. The are a regressive bunch. America's Taliban.

    No wonder right leaning pollster found that most likely voters perceive the GOP congress as too extreme. It's a fact. Own it.

  2. Conservative spokesperson Limbaugh blasted Americans “who do nothing but have sex mindlessly day in and day out for whom contraception is simply a means of avoiding serious consequences." -- says the guy who was married 4 times and never fathered a single child. Hypocrisy is the hallmark of conservatives
