Now, during this campaign cycle, Obama is planning on reducing our nuclear arsenal to 300 warheads - down from 5,000

Speaking of Obama,  I have said from the very beginning of this One Worlder's term,  that,  before we get him out of office,  he is going to get us all killed.  

Well,  the news of the day,  has Obama considering three  different unilateral disarmament plans. Understand that China has 300 nuclear warheads on their way to several thousand.  The Russians own 6,000 with  no  plans of reduction.  And Obama,  being the nutcase that he is,  has decided that, in spite of a world full of despots,  to disarm.  

One of his plans is to reduce our nuclear arsenal  to 300.  Currently,  we have 5,100 nukes but,  are  scheduled to reduce our arsenal to 1,500 by 2017;   it is this last number,  that he intends to cut.   Understand that this information, this news release,  comes to us  in the form of a "leak" from the White House,  Obama putting out a "worst case scenario" so that when he announces his actual decision, it will not seem as much a disaster as we had feared. 

Whatever the number,  the fact that this move will be unilateral and not a part of a negotiated treatise,  is the most disturbing part of the larger  narrative.  We,  as a nation,  we get nothing out of this nonsense.  Obama, steeped in liberal/idealistic immaturity,  believes that the World sees him as a new light in America,  that his gesture of peace (this unilateral nuclear disarmament scheme) will merit so much respect,  that the evil forces of the world will convert to the ways of peace and we will all be the better for it.    And,  to think that some of you will vote for this moron as you partner with him,    putting  my family [and millions of others]  in the worst kind of danger.  

This news story has to play itself out. 

 I find it more than curious, however,  that Obama has decided he can win an election without any help from the Right,  moderate or otherwise.  He has divided this nation and intends to run and rule from the Left.  

And those who agree with this strategy are as guilty of treason as are those who are pushing this bit of political nonsense.  Love it or leave it has never been a more critical piece of advice.  

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