Obama's Middle East policy could not be more harmful to our relationship with the Arab world. Just ask the King of Jordan.

King Abdallah of Jordan and the nation of Jordan, have been the most consistent ally of the United States, in the Middle East. And here is what King Abdallah had to say of the genius occupying our White House:

"“I think everybody is wary of dealing with the West. … Looking at how quickly people turned their backs on [Egyptian President Husni] Mubarak, I would say that most people are going to try and go their own way. I think there is going to be less coordination with the West and therefore a chance of more misunderstandings.”

While the Marxist Media has been busy trying to convince the unlearned, in this country, that one of Obaman's "many" successes is his foreign policy diplomacy, the facts are quite the opposite. Those in the Middle East are more aware of Obama's bungling than many in this country.

When he went after Murbarak, President of Egypt, he did so without committing to any diplomatic effort whatsoever. It was an ambush, a "double cross," and it was for the worst of reasons -- Obama had decided that he needed to "look tough" in an effort to gain approval points in this country. Did't work. And Murbarak was forced out. Obama did the same thing again, with Gadafi. And the Arab World took note, thinking more poorly of Obama than it ever did of GW Bush. Evidence? King Abdallah's comments.

When this "Arab Spring" is all over, most expert observers fear that we will be looking at a complete re-alignment of Middle East power and influence, with the United States not only on the "outs" regarding a continuing influence, but with no physical presence in the region at all.As nasty as was Gadafi and Murbarak, at least those 30,000 land to air missiles in Libya were under lock and key and Isreal was benefiting from the 35 year old Camp David Accord put together by Carter between Israel and Murbarak's Egypt. Now, both countries have expelled their leaders and are turning to Shiria Law, an anti-democratic form of governance.

By the end of Obama's first four years, the Middle East will be in shambles, as far as the interests of the United States are concerned. Such is the deserving legacy of our slow learning novice. His ignorance is industrial grade and we are paying the price. Decades of diplomacy have been reversed with this wannabe cowboy, and he still has more than a year to go.

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