Headlines from rasmussen
- Wisconsin Senate: Thompson (R) 49%, Baldwin (D) 42%
- Romney 44%, Obama 42%
- New Hampshire: Romney 41% Cain 17% Paul 11%
- 50% Prefer Candidate With Political Experience
- Pelosi Remains Least Favorable Congressional Leader
- New Low: 28% Give Obama Good or Excellent Marks on Economy
- 64% Say Federal Government Has Too Much Power and Money
- 16% Say U.S. Heading In Right Direction
With all the trash talk from the whiners in the Wisconsin Teacher's Union, "the people" of Wisconsin support Scott Walker and GOP agenda for that state.
Pelosi gets what she deserves. She is not only extremely unpopular with the larger national population, she is a Parana within the halls of congress, as well.
64% say Government has too much power and Obama is increasing that percentage with each day of his dictatorship, obviously.
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