About Morgan Freeman and racism

Morgan Freeman: Obama made racism worse; opponents will do whatever 'to get this black man outta here'...

One of my favorite Hollywood stars, Freeman, has to go and ruin everything with this moronic statement. Understand that it is not "black" that we do not like, it is "ineptness" that is tiresome. It is "fundamental transformation" that we hate. " It is "I wish I could make these decisions on my own" that is scary.

Obama is an under-qualified political theorist who hates capitalism and financial success in a societal sense.Understand that he is large company.

This past week, Bill Clinton pointed out that no nation on earth ever made a successful run based on T.E.A. Movement principles. Geeeesh. Of course not. In fact, no other country was ever birthed out of a high level intellectual debate as was the case with our history. Know this - the Clintonians of the world would have never founded a nation such as ours. They are bottom feeders who live in the world of ideas belonging to others, many of whom who are enemies of this nation.
Morgan Freeman is not a bottom feeder, but he has been sucked in by these people and that is most disappointing.

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