Krugman and the Leftist politics of social incrementalism are over - at least for a time.

Paul Krugman / New York Times:
Republicans Against Science — Jon Huntsman Jr., a former Utah governor and ambassador to China, isn't a serious contender for the Republican presidential nomination. And that's too bad, because Mr. Hunstman has been willing to say the unsayable about the G.O.P. — namely, that it is becoming the “anti-science party.”

And with those words, the over educated but under qualified Paul Krugman, supposes himself self-appointed as an analyst on GOP affairs. He pretends that "science" has all the answers but has never entered a deep investigative study on "science as the sole purveyor of truth."

Krugman is an academic elitist, a fellow who has never worked in the private sector a day in his life. Oh, he has a PhD from MIT, and [what I call] a BS degree from the New York Times -- and I am talking about chunky-style barnyard BS, if you get my . . . . . . . . . . . . drift. He is an educational "yes" man, accepting the anything having to do with social justice and the economics that have been used to support that cause since the 1930's and the profundity of John Maynard Keynes.

Understand that at the heart of social liberalism is the mathematics of Keynesian economic theory.

One of the stark differences between Keynesian theory and common sense economics, is the notion that saving money is not a healthy solution to economic distress. "Now is not the time to be saving money," was one of the more startling comments made by Obama early 2009.

What is great about the Obama Administration is the fact that he accelerated the process of Leftist incrementalism to a point that the Leftist agenda became obvious to all of us who were paying attention. Before Obama, Democrats denied their attraction to Marxism and social reform. Obama brought 10 to fifteen of these people into his Administration and the "jig was up," as they say.

Most do not know that picture taking of the White House Christmas tree is "verboten," since someone leaked a 2009 picture of a Christmas tree ornament dedicated to Mao !!

His antagonism of the White Man's Jesus (a central theme in Black Liberation Theology) made itself known when Obama ordered the name of "Jesus" covered over before he would give a commencement at Georgetown University, a Catholic college. No self respecting Christian would ever do something of this nature, yet, Obama did it without so much as a single question from his Marxist Media Buds.

I could go one but the point of this post would be the same: Obama has driven the Leftist goal posts into the ground. Spending trillions, adding debt to get out of debt has proven itself absurd if not maniacal. AND, the Leftist denial that "we are not socialist" is no longer believable. Obama has surrounded himself with socialists. Case closed.

As a result of Obama's presidency, this coming election is more about ideology than any election in recent memory.

Thanks, Ob #1

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