Obama complains about congressional law that he helped to approve. Go figure.


Halperin is a commentator who sometimes appears on Morning Joe (MSNBC). His depiction of the Obama performance, yesterday, at his news conference, pretty much sums up the thinking of this conservative. Understand that Halperin is as liberal as they come, but, it appears, we are all getting tired of the mindless antics and empty rhetoric of the nation's Head Honcho.

In this, his most partisan effort to date, Obama makes this claim: "
. . . I'm proposing we get rid of are [all] tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, tax breaks for oil companies and hedge fund managers and corporate jet owner. . No one in the Marxist Media tells you that if we collected the Obama taxes he proposes in the above, collected those taxes for a 100 years, the total collected would pay for his deficit accumulated in the month of April . . . . . . . period.

He loves to talk about "fair share." The fact of the matter is this: "fair share" has already happened. 50% of the American people pay no income tax at all, and, the top 5% pay 59% of the federal income tax burden. Could they pay more? Certainly. But, with Obama, increased taxation simply means an increase in the spending habits of the Far Left. If we raised taxes and seriously cut spending, that single tax increase would be a final increase. But, we all know that one tax increase leads to another and another and another. For the Democrat Political Community, there is no ending for increasing taxes "on the rich," and the rich are defined by Obama and other nutcases as anyone making over $200,000 per year. That is stupid wrong but the mindless Left has no clue as to the concept of "net income." Consequently, a woman who earns a net income of $100,000 (that's $200,000 after taxes at all levels), is branded as "rich." Obama "earned" 7 million since becoming president with its associated salary of $400,000. I say that he only needs $200,000 to live a "good life." He should surrender the remaining 6.8 million. If not, why not? And that Fat Michael Moore? He thinks "wealth" is a national treasure that belongs to all . . . . . except, of course, for his several million dollars "earned" over the past three years. Obama and Company do not live out their own rhetorical requirements for other.

Also, what is not reported with this press conference is the fact that the "jet tax" Obama is complaining about, was ordered by his Stimulus in 2009 !! This guy talks out of both sides of his mouth more than any president in my memory.

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