Aren't we all getting more than tired of the teaching community opposing nearly everything we all stand for. 7th graders taking a sex quiz ?? Geeesh

A Massachusetts middle school has sparked outrage after forcing students to answer questions about oral sex.

Parent Arlene Tessitore made an official complaint after her seventh and eighth grade daughters were forced to take the Youth Risk Behaviour Study at Memorial Middle School.

After her daughters objected to answering the questions, she said one was told they had to, while the other was taken to a counsellor before also being made to take part.

According to Mrs Tessitore, the school operates on a form of 'passive consent' where students take notes home for parents to sign.

If the school does not hear back, then consent is considered to be given.

Permission: Mrs Tessitore (right) was shocked to discover her children had been asked to complete the graphic survey

Permission: Mrs Tessitore (right) was shocked to discover her children had been asked to complete the graphic survey

As part of the complaint, Mrs Tessitore wants schools across the country to only carry out the tests only after explicit written permission has been given - as the law currently states.

Outraged Mrs Tessitore told Fox News: 'One of the questions is, 'have you ever had oral sex.''

'You’re talking about kids who probably don’t even know what oral sex is.

'It’s adult material.'

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I really do not have time to comment on this story but it is too important to ignore. Teaching should be about facts and history and nothing more, period. Anything having to do with morality is a "spiritual" matter, at some level. There was a time when moral issues could not be presented in our public schools because they were deemed as having too much to do with religion.

Time for a revolt, right after a mass firing, don't you think?

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