Obama thinking about a third term ??

Take a look at this and tell me if he is really kidding, all that much. I have run articles detailing how someone like a Barack Obama can "take over" this country. Silly idea? Not if he believes he is the man for the season.

Here is an AP story that makes on stop and think:

WASHINGTON – Eight years as president is enough, thank you. At least that's what Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says President Barack Obama told her the other day.

Clinton said Tuesday that she and Obama often marvel over foreign despots who want to stay in power for decades. She told a State Department forum that neither she nor Obama can understand leaders who refuse to transfer power and cling to office for 10, 20, 30 or 40 years.

She says she and the president joke: "Oh, my gosh. Can you imagine (if I tried to pass legislation that would allow be a third and fourth term -- editor) ?"

Clinton says Obama told her, "I'm going to win re-election, and then I'm done," a remark that drew laughter from the audience. U.S. presidents are constitutionally barred from a third term.

Understand that if Obama could get legislation passed that got rid of the two term Constitutional order for a president, he could actually use executive orders, signing statements, his czar appointments (over 50 and the most in history, beating out the record set by George W with 16) and his access to regulatory powers to run the congress without having to deal with congress. Congress should be embarrassed. Barack Obama has rendered the congress "irrelevant" and nothing can be done about it until we get his skinny butt out of there.

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