What MoveOn is doing about Paul Ryan -- they think I am one of them .

***Did you see yesterday's New York Times front page headline? "Voters attack Republicans on Medicare."
Your fellow MoveOn members got specific credit in the paper of record for stirring up Republican town hall meetings across the country.1 But they need your help to keep going. Click here and donate to keep the pressure on the House Republicans who voted to kill Medicare.***

Dear MoveOn member,

Representative Paul Ryan—the architect of the Republican plan to kill Medicare—was booed at his own town hall meeting this week.2 His detractors—including MoveOn members—were among the chorus of constituents across the country denouncing the blatant Republican attack on working Americans.3

Polls show that the Republican plan is deeply unpopular, with 80% of registered voters opposed, including 73% of Republicans and even 70% of tea party supporters.4 Republicans have clearly overplayed their hand, but polling won't be enough to save Medicare from their radical ideology.

If there's one thing we've learned together from years of MoveOn activism, it's that you have to seize the moment. The press is hot on the story, with coverage by CBS, MSNBC, The New York Times and The Washington Post on the voter backlash to the Republican plan. This is the crucial tipping point, but we'll lose out if we don't act on it.

Right now we need to fund advertising, online actions, viral content, and a continued grassroots field effort targeting and punishing every House Republican who voted to kill Medicare (that's all but 4 of them). Can you help fund the fight to save Medicare?

Yes, I can contribute $5 to help oppose the Republican plan

We worked too hard and fought too long for healthcare reform to let this threat to Medicare stand for one moment longer. And we lost too much in the last budget fight to let the Republicans hold Medicare hostage, so they can win their demands to cut programs that create jobs and benefit working families.

There's only one way to understand the Republicans' budget plan. It's a naked, unapologetic attack on working Americans for the sake of Big Insurance and the richest of the rich:

  • It abolishes Medicare's guarantee of medical care for Americans over 65, throwing them at the feet of Big Insurance.
A blatant falsehood. In fact, the Ryan plan makes NO CHANGES to Social Security for seniors over 55 years of age, period. -- jds
  • It uses that money to cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans below their already historic lows—down to 25%.
The plan cuts taxes for all income groups. The belief is that this will double or triple collected tax receipts. Understand that Ryan is not cutting taxes collected. Rather, he is cutting tax rates for all Americans, while increasing the amount of taxes collected. This strategy worked under JFK, Reagan, and Clinton (with his corporate tax cuts).
  • It leads to bigger debts and deficits over the next decade, according to the independent, nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
Obama's plan leads to even more deficits according to the CBO. The big difference between the two plans, however, is that the CBO numbers did not included projected and increased collectibles because of the Ryan tax cuts. In fact, his plan will more than than pay for itself. Obama's plan will not.

To stop radical ideologues like Ryan and the Republicans who follow him, we have to punish them politically—and punish them in such a way that no one will think to threaten Medicare like this again.

These clowns do not get the fact that Medicare is more the problem than is Social Security. Apparently, MoveOn has forgotten that Obama cut $500 billion out of Medicare in order to "pay" for his health care plan. Ryan's plan actually saves Medicare, rather than destroying it.

Together we have the power to do that, by harnessing the discontent and anger over this plan, and focusing it into political pain for House Republicans. Many of us, making even a small contribution, can fund that campaign to save Medicare.

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