The Obama of Fantasy Land versus the Real Obama

Helen Fisher, an biological anthropologist, gives us this bit of nonsense - her insights into the personality of Obama. Before getting to these words, she made the claims that Obama's entrance into a room tells her much about this man, and then

[I] think he’s an Explorer/Negotiator. For a black man to seek the presidency, he’s clearly a risk-taker. He’s got a lot of curiosity, he’s creative in the way he addresses problems and handles people. I also think he’s a Negotiator, because he’s caring. This man cares about the whole world. He was trying to improve the South Side of Chicago as a young men when he could have gone to Wall Street and made a million bucks. He has wonderful verbal skills and people skills. Two traits he has that indicate elevated activity in the dopamine system, which relates to the Explorer: He has a very expressive face, and he moves with a style…watching him and Bush walk down the stairs to the helicopter, he walked gracefully, like an Explorer would, and Bush lumbered do

Fisher wrote this before the two years we now have to compare Obama's personality with Mss. Fisher's perception. Turns out he is a bully, not a negotiator. He cares only for those who support him or might be moved to vote for him, hence his rejection of more than half the nation's population. She talks of Obama's decision to ". . . . improve the South Side of Chicago as a young man when he could have gone to Wall Street and made a million bucks." In stead, he did not improve anything in Chicago, got himself elected to national office and made 5 million bucks in that effort. According to Mss Fisher, his two most manifest traits, functioning as windows into his personality, are the expressions of his face and the stylish way "he moves." Geeeesh. His most pronounced facial expression is one of anger and his stylish walk is . . . . . . well . . . . . . . I actually have no clue as to what she has in mind with this comment except for this, I think she is in love with guy.

Obama has done all that he could possibly do to sequester his past. There are no transcripts of his college days, no papers, no lecture notes. There was no press corp when he went to Hawaii to visit his dying grandmother -- not a single picture after Obama got off the plane. I do not care why these things do not exist; I just know that they are nowhere around, by his edict.

And folks like Mss. Fisher are few and far between in these last days. Last year, Barbra Streisand skipped out on a $35,000 per plate fundraiser she helped to organize and just last week, Ophra announced that she would not be endorsing anyone for the 2012 campaign. 67% of Hispanics voted for Obama in 2008. That number is down by 56% (more than half) according to Michael Barone, a highly respected Democrat pundit, senior writer for US News & World Report and principal coauthor of The Almanac of American Politics. .

Point of post: to demonstrate what the Marxist Media wants to hide from view, that Obama is far less popular within his base than folks can imagine.

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