Turns out that Obama signed off on putting "boots on the ground" in Libya - THREE WEEKS AGO

The headline is not a criticism. Obama has to have people on the ground, in Libya, to guide the air strikes, but, it was never true that our military would not be in Libya. All we ask, is that Obama not pretend otherwise. He does not have to tell us they are there, but he certainly does not have to lie to us, especially after ignoring our congress in making his decision to get involved in the Libyan civil war.

It is always good to save people's lives. It is never good to save the lives of our mortal enemies - and right now, no one can tell us with a straight face that the rebels are only pretending to like America. Next to Iran, Libya has supplied more terrorist into Iraq than any other Arab country.

I don't get it. He goes into Libya without knowing who he is defending. He claims "no boots on the ground" three weeks after authorizing secret ops into the country. Understand that I do not believe the secret ops is just about target guidance. There may very well be "kill teams" on the ground, looking for Gadafi. Know this: if Gadafi survives this military incursion, Obama will be the rest of the year defending himself.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, but they will probably get the idiot (Gadafi).

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