Obama, once again, orders the Department of Justice to ignore current federal law. Get over this notion that he is "just like us."

Understand that one cannot find much if anything in the personal belief system of Obama that is common to middle America. From the beginning, I have not believed that Obama "is like us" on the issue of gay marriage. This morning, I wake up to this headline, "news," apparently, to those to who are not paying attention: WH: Obama still 'grappling' with gay marriage... . If we click on the headline, we find these words:

WASHINGTON – The White House says President Barack Obama is "grappling" with his personal views on gay marriage even as he's ordered the Justice Department to stop defending the constitutionality of a law that bans it. The Justice Department announced Wednesday that, at Obama's direction, it would not defend the Defense of Marriage Act in a court case where it's being challenged. Spokesman Jay Carney said Obama has always opposed the Defense of Marriage Act as "unnecessary and unfair." But Carney said there's no change to how Obama views gay marriage itself. Obama said in January that he is [was] still wrestling with whether gay couples should have the right to marry. He said his feelings on the issue continue to evolve but he still believes in allowing strong civil unions.

Such "indecision !!" Are they kidding us? How does anyone put those last two sentences together? He is "still wrestling with . . gays . . . . right to marry . . . . but still believes in strong civil unions." Whatever. It seems that the idiot media is more confused than Obama.

Look, for starters, a "civil union " is not a traditional marriage. The words "civil union" never refer to traditional marriage, exclusively. Second, Obama's ordered decision to not enforce federal law (the Defense of Marriage Act) is, in fact, a clarification as to his personal beliefs on the subject. Of course he believes in gay marriage. Of course he is not "like us" on this or any other issue, it seems.

Representaton of Federal Law Be Damned

What is it with Democrats? In the past two years, it has become undeniably obvious that an important part of their belief system is the willingness to ignore or violate federal law with which they disagree. The problem with that is the fact that they are representatives of the federal legal system. That means nothing to this bunch of political misfits. Those of us who are in our late 50s to mid 60s went to college with these jerks. They were proud Marxists then, without question. I call them by that name, today, because I see no philosophical difference between them in their college years and now. Once a Marxist, always a Marxist.

Chaos Defined In Practical Terms

If they don't like the results of an election, they ignore its consequences ala Nancy Pelosi and the Doomkauf, Harry Reid. If they want to increase their voter base, they refuse to enforce border law. If they see a political-social advantage in supporting undocumented squaters, they push for illegal "sanctuary" cities . . . . . . . . and there are dozens of these conclaves, all under Democrat governance. If they are defeated in Congress, they circumvent the political process, using regulatory law to impose their will over that of the representative government of the people. If they reject contract law (per the GM takeover), they simply ignore it. If they reject federal court decisions as in the case of the New Black Panther convictions of 2009, they refuse to continue its prosecution. If they disagree with what is about to happen, legislatively, they run and hide [per Wisconsin and Indiana], all in the name of representing the people. "Elections have consequences" is a term only applied to losing conservative politicians, never to Democrat extremists. And, if the representative of the Marxist Democrat Party doesn't like a particular law, he orders the Department of Justice to ignore it. He makes it official !!

One Man Rule Is The Order of the Day

Understand that I think the Department of Justice's job, its job, is to enforce federal law whether it agrees with a particular law or not. To do otherwise is to sanction the rule of chaos or, worse yet, to allow for the authoritarian rule of one, two or three individuals. In this case, we are talking about "one person" rule. Elections are won and laws passed. Then, one man overrides those elections and laws and the majority opinion is effectively forfeited. Understand that all despots claim to be serving the "will of the people." That phrase - "will of the people" - means nothing when the peoples' elections are ignored and their laws violated . . . officially violated.

Institutionalized/Structured Chaos as a Tool to Reform is happening now.

This lie that Obama is not pro-gay [marriage] is the tip of the legal iceberg. Below the surface, he is nothing "like us." Fairness, in his mind, must override the expressed will of the people. Wealth is owned by the poor and must be returned to the poor. Pushing for a one world governance is preferred over and against the sovereign will and utilitarian exceptionalism of the United States of America. The private sector working class is not the middle class as Obama defines middle class. The fact that the Constitution limits federal governance has been rejected by Obama and his Marxist hordes. Established law is unimportant when in opposition to the "greater good" as defined by this current crop of misfits and thugs. In short, chaos has been institutionalized by the Radical Democrat leadership with the hopes that the resulting calm will usher in a fundamentally transformed America. That is "their" agenda and that is the reason we must fight them to the bitter end.

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