A little about the Obama Intelligent Network

Are you aware of the fact that we have had no effective intelligence surveys coming from the Middle East? We have no idea what is going on in that region. The crisis in Egypt was a surprise to this Administration and what is Obama doing about the problem? Throwing another party, this time celebrating MoTown.

Give me a break.

This past week, the White House conducted work shops for kids, teaching them the importance of Mo Town's cultural contributions rather than meeting day after day until they get a handle on the gathering of information, world wide. He is flying blind and we are worse off because of it.

I can no longer find records of this, but as late as six months ago, the White House had thrown more than 300 parties and concerts during the first two years of their gluttonous sojourn as Chief Executives. That is a party of some sort every other day. Remember the press conference with Obama and Bill Clinton? Obama was "keeping the First Lady waiting" and had to leave to attend a Christmas party !!! He turned the press meeting over to Bubba and left the building. . . . . . . . to attend another stinking party !!

He is the most irresponsible president we have ever elected to office; a party hound who has made millions off his celebrity as president . . . . . . there is something wrong with that picture for sure.

Obama talks about "their fair share." What is his "fair share?"

Sadly, I think we know the answer to that question.

1 comment:

  1. Not to worry John..he'll be broke in the end....they always are. Yes there really is a God!
