The Lie from the Left: Teacher's fund 100% of their retirement

First, here is the lie -- and we call it a "lie" because the author of this nonsense is an intelligent man. He knows better. He writes:

. . . . Out of every dollar that funds Wisconsin' s pension and health insurance plans for state workers, 100 cents comes from the state workers. . . . . They are being asked to accept a cut in their salaries so that the state of Wisconsin can use the money to fill the hole left by tax cuts and reduced audits of corporations in Wisconsin. (Source: ).

The problem? Well, for starters, every nickle a public union type earns comes from the non-unionized taxpayer. That includes the monies, in this case, teachers pay in taxes and benefits contributions. What the genius, above, misses in his statement, is the fact that all funding for teacher salaries and legacy programs come from the taxpayer. When a Wisconsin teacher pays taxes and increases his legacy "contribution," he is returning monies back to the taxpayer. When a non-union taxpayer pays Wisconsin taxes, she is funding the public unions of that state at all levels. Again, when the teachers pay taxes, they are returning monies to the taxpaying public.

This is part of the reason why George Meany, perhaps the biggest name in the American labor movement in the early 50s and FDR apposed public unions not to mention the scam on public funding that is "collective bargaining."

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