Judge Vinson decides against the entire health care bill - not just the individual mandate.

Just moments ago, the District Court in Florida, has moved against ObamaCare in it entirety . . . . all 2,700 pages. Judge Vinson's decision allows the process of writing and funding the bill to continue, but, because there is no severability clause within the bill, Vinson could not pass judgment against the mandate only, forcing him to judge against the entire bill. Vinson issued regrets for having to widen the scope of his decision.

This is the largest of the 17 lawsuits filed against the bill, involving the joint filing of 26 states. Two previous decisions found in favor of the bill and, now, two filings have received negative judgments with the decision, today, being the most comprehensive. 13 remain to be decided.

Most experts believe the Supreme Court will get this case in late 2012 or 2013. If a High Court decision comes before the 2012 elections, it promises to have a great effect on the election, one way or another.

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