In Roll Call, we have this headline and story: House May Block 'Food Safety' Bill Over Senate Error...
Understand that our food supply is safe enough. This bill is not necessary and, in fact, with the passing of more regulations, we cut down on the number of food suppliers in system. It happens every time there is a significant regulatory increase and food prices trend up a bit.
But here is the real problem; the Food Safety bill is a spending bill and, as such, must originate in the House, by Constitutional law. If the bill is passed by the Senate, there is talk that it will be blocked in the House by Democrat members of the House Ways and Means Committee. The behind the scenes report tells us that House Democrats are miffed at Harry Reid for pushing this bill, part of which provides for the raising of taxable funds.
Midknight Review has reported on the schedule of the Lame Duck congress - one week before Thanksgiving and the week following Turkey day. Apparently that is not the case for this congress. It appears that they might extend the Lame Duck up and even beyond Christmas.
What is curious is the fact that with the week or two remaining for the Lame Ducksters, Harry Reid has decided that this is more important than the tax bill and the budget - which is nearly 8 months past due. What we are reporting is this: the Dems have had two years to solve the Bush tax "problem" and have failed. Further, the budget proposal was to have been completed in March of this year. Didn't happen. In fact, in addition to a budget proposal, congress was to have written and passed 13 different allocation bills for the several budgetary venues and didn't. In short, the 111th Democrat Congress has failed in historical measure while spending its time paying off its friends.
Today, a Democrat Senator spoke to someone off carmara, not knowing that he was standing near an open mic. Understand that this was today. He complained that the Senate's conduct of the Lame Duck session was "rigged." That the schedule was predetermined without input from the Senate as a whole.
What so many had feared about the Lame Duck congress is under way. Pelosi and Reid, traitors in their own right to the US constitution, are hell bent on by-passing congressional process and the will of the people as expressed in the past election, and intend to pass through the remainder of their Marxist plan.
Update: pm 12/1/10
Related headline: House may vote against Food Safety bill over Senate Error
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