What should we expect in the closing days of this election cycle? We have the answer and it is based on 40 years of experience.

We give you a warning from Selwyn Duke Don't know who this is? Neither do we BUT the words of his article is critical in answering the question, "What can we expect in the remaining days of this election cycle? "

This editor is 65 years old and has noted the Democrat strategy of organized voter fraud managed in the spirit of "plausible deniability " for 40 years. If character assassination doesn't work and election day is fast approaching, fraud is the only recourse for these folks. Understand that the principles of situation ethics are at the top of the Democrat list as regards "ethics in politics." It is "situation ethics" that allows the Dems to practice the "ends justify means" political dynamic as manifast in voter fraud, counting dead people, and character assassinations.

From the American Thinker

The reports are rolling in from all over the country. A Craven County, NC resident attempts to vote a straight Republican ticket but his choices come up straight Democrat four times, despite receiving assistance from poll workers. In NC's Lenoir County, registered Democrat Ervin Norville also tries to vote straight Republican but finds that his ballot has the names of several Democrat candidates selected. Boulder City, NV resident Joyce Ferrara says that when she and several others went to vote for Sharon Angle, they found that Senator Harry Reid's name was already checked off. In Dallas County, TX' congressional district 30, Democrat Eddie Bernice Johnson's name was the only one on the ballot in a few locations (no, she isn't running unopposed). And some states have been late in mailing out military absentee ballots, whose recipients, interestingly, are known for their Republican leanings.

These happenings are generally referred to as "mistakes" and "glitches," but if that's all they are, then we're witnessing a truly historic anomaly. Because either the mainstream media is now suppressing stories of mistakes and glitches benefitting Republicans, or the laws of probability have suddenly been rescinded and tossed coins are coming up donkey tails every time. Welcome to American elections, Venezuelan style. . . . . READ THE FULL ARTICLE >>>>


Point of post: expect to see voter fraud reports dramatically increase. These stories will feature Democrat fraud over GOP fraud by a margin of 12 to 1. The Dems are already seeking to repress the military vote in several locations throughout the nation, a military vote that is split 85 - 15 in favor of the GOP. Understand that battlefield Americans know full well that their lives are being wasted in Afghanistan for the sake of political correctness. Understand that these brave men and women know full well that their Commander in Chief refuses to define "victory" in terms of defeating the enemy. And, now, their vote is being repressed ala the Al Gore campaign in Florida (2000).

More than this, in many regions of this nation (i.e. California, Nevada and Illinois) the extremely partisan service union, the SEIU, is in charge of voter supervision, service "repair" on voter machines, supervision of early voting and counting the mail-in ballot. This is the same union Obama has physically called on to demonstrate at last summer's town hall meetings. He has met with SEIU leaders in the privacy of the White House more than 30 times in recent months and another 40 meetings with leaders of the Socialist AFL-CIO. They weren't just smoking pot, folks. They were talkin' politics - dirty politics.

Here in the Central Valley of California, SEIU county workers are the one's who count the absentee ballots. We are allowed to stand over them as they consider ballot signatures -- something we have not done in the past. But then again, no one knew SEIU was both socialist and in bed with the Democrats.

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