Did you know that Obama's "union of record" is the SEIU ? Its perfect. They support Obama AND count the votes. Damn .

Here is a critical headline that is being ignored by the Lame Stream Media.

Breaking- Obama ties to SEIU and Acorn Deepen | The Freedomist

Sep 17, 2009 ... “I've spent my entire adult life working with SEIU. ... Oh, y'all organize. You wear purple, do you? ... The article says that Obama was well known to have worked with Local SIEU 880 which has SHARED offices with ACORN .

Editor's notes: understand that in most regions of this country, the SEIU is the representative union of county and state employees. Obama has claimed their allegiance for his own purposes and the president of the SEIU until this summer, is a current member of Obama's internal advisory council. While president of SEIU, Any Sterns was called to the White House more than 30 different times . . . . more than any other representative visitor.

SEIU workers gave 44 million to the Obama campaign and are giving millions more in this election. Now, we find out that they are the ones who field complaints with regard to voter machine failures. They are at the center of nearly all voter fraud complaints in California, Illinois, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, North Dakota, Colorado and more than 25 other states.

Conclusion: taxpayer financed unions should not be allowed to give to any campaign, whether conservative or liberal.

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