Add Obama's Report against the US to his list of "firsts." We have that UN report and our list of "firsts."

An Editorial Report: In 2002, the United States was voted off the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights for its campaign against human rights violation by some of the members of that UN commission. Last year, Obama decided to disregard those continuing concerns and join the US to this committee in accord with his personal vendetta against the United States.

A year later, this president of the United States, this representative of the greatest nation on earth, has submitted a list of human rights grievances against . . . . . . . . . . . . . . his own country. So, here we are, presenting the United States as if our internal social issues are on a par with the issues of beheadings and stonings in Iran, human rights violations of repressive governments in Venezuela, N. Korea, Somalia, Cuba, Burma, South Africa (especially in the near past), Russia in Chechnya, China and its treatment of Tibet, the Sudan and Zimbabwe. (Note: Zimbabwe and South Africa may have resolved their human rights complaints, over the years).

Past members on this Human Rights committee have included the Sudan (hundreds of thousands of Christians have been and are being murdered in Darfur) and Libya (a leader in Muslim terror training for decades). Also, this commission has exhibited an expressed bias against Israel.

Specifically, in joining this review board, Obama submitted a 30 page report to the UN Human Rights Commission, a list of complaints and concerns with regard to Human Rights violations that his Administration is working to correct, a list of concerns that apparently needs to be made public on the world's stage in the spirit of "leading by example." Crap.

Included in this report is section 95 : "A recent Arizona law, S.B. 1070, has generated significant attention and debate at home and around the world. The issue is being addressed in a court action that argues that the federal government has the authority to set." Read the full report in PDF, here.

When PJ Crowley, State Department spokesman, was asked to defend the inclusion of this paragraph, he only responded with "this is in line with our effort at leadership by example" or words to that effect. He tried to play down the criticism that Obama was hanging Arizona "out to dry" as he repeated the phrase "leadership by example." Anyone with an ounce of grey matter understands the implicit significance of Section 95.

What the Obama spokesman does not want to admit is that "leadership by example" means nothing with regard to the inclusion of the Arizona law if it does not mean that Obama sees the law as problematic on a human rights level. Obama via Crowley has fooled no one. This is another disgraceful episode in the 20 month melodrama that is the Obama presidency and reason enough to begin impeachment proceedings against this stranger in our White House. Will that happen? No. Should it happen. Of course.

In Obama, we have a man who came to office as president with a rather remarkable list of grievances against the United States of America. As President, he has acted on this list without regard to popular opinion or the limitations of Congressional review. More than that, he carries grudges against those who oppose him and has demonstrated a thuggish willingness to assault his opposition. He is not a nice guy.
His list of "firsts" is telling. Beginning with the event reported in this post, Obama is the first president to "bring the U.S. up on charges" with the UN. He is the first president to oppose the notion that America is a Christian nation and to do so on the world's stage. He is the first to name Israel as an "occupier" of Palestinian lands. He is the first to campaign for the US presidency in Europe. He is the first Chief of State to make a formal announcement with the Islamic media (he sat down with al Jazeera, after his inauguration, before talking to any in the American press). He is the first to allocate monies specifically for Muslim mosque construction and repair (6 million dollars). He is the first to develop a strategy of legislative intent that circumvents Congressional approval or review (using the EPA, FTC, FCC and the NEA as agency in his personal service as President). He is the first to unilaterally violate established military treatises (missile defense treatises with Georgia and Poland). He has had more personal televised appearances than all other presidents combined - and he did this in just 20 months; this, in and of itself, is a "first." He is the first to separate himself from an entire constituency - the conservative opinion of this country. He often and on every occasion possible, voices his disgust for conservative America and his opposition to the traditional values of the Founding Fathers. He is the first president in modern times to call out the Supreme Court in a State of the Union Address. He is the first president to take council from admitted Communists AND not challenge that accusation (Anne Dunn and Van Jones are two examples that readily come to mind). He is the first to actually attend and get on his knees in a Muslim prayer service. He is the first president to hang a "Mao" decoration on the White House Christmas tress. He is the first Black Liberation pundit hold the High Office. Finally, for the sake of this post, Obama is the first president to ever order the name of "Jesus" covered over (at Georgetown University and the covering of IHS - the Latin symbols for the name of Jesus).

There is more, but the point of the above listing is to demonstrate the disconnectivity of this man and his Marxist controlled party. He is not representative of the populace of this country and, what makes matters worse, he does not care. --- jds.

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