Bush Wins - Hillary, Obama, the NY Times, Harry Reid and MoveOn.org have to eat crow, again.

Editor's notes: does anyone see the humor in General Patraeus' appointment by one of his chief critics, Mr. Obama? Have we so soon forgotten the Left's characterization of the General with the words, "General Betray Us" ?? We haven't.

In September of 2007, the General appeared before a Senate subcommittee and was berated by the Democrats on that panel.

Click on image to enlarge

Hillary suggested that he was not honest in his reporting of the news in Iraq, that his testimony "required the suspension of disbelief," something for which the [now] Secretary of State has never apologized.

Over at MoveOn.org, those hypocrite Marxists scrubbed their site of this ad, just last week, when it became clear that Patraeus has triumphed over their lies and anti-patriotic slander in his appointment by another chief critic, Mr. Obama. The ad to the left was published by the New York Times, which now proclaims Obama as "brilliant" in his choice of Patraeus. crooks and liars all.

Let's not forget Harry Reid declaring the war in Iraq as a lost war. He made this statement in review of what he typified as a failed "surge" effort. That was in April of 2007. What the Minion Media did not report was the fact that the surge forces has not yet arrived in Iraq when Reid issued his declaration. We now know that the surge worked and the war in Iraq has been a victorious war.

Never forget that Obama has refused to give credit to Bush for the victory in Iraq but he has quickly turned to a Bush commander to bail him out of the Afghan situation. In fact, most of the Bush war doctrine is being used by Obama -- the drone war was Bush's idea. Obama has left GITMO open and continues the practice of rendition. What is not commonly known, as well, is that Obama reserves the right to waterboard in critical situations.

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