GOP wins the day and forces the removal of a $50 billion slush fund from the current reform bill in the Senate.

Editor's notes: Over the past week, there has been a battle in the Senate that has centered itself around a specific proposition in the finance reform bill currently being considered by Congress. That proposition was a $50 billion fund that Republicans feared could be used as a "bail-out" fund. While the Marxist Media (i.e. MSNBC) was reporting the conflict as a "stalling tactic" intended to protect the "fat cat friends of the GOP," the truth of the matter was quite different. In the end, the GOP legislators won the day and the $50 billion allocation was removed from the bill yesterday. In return, the GOP Senators voted to move the bill onto the Senate floor for further debate.

Hats off to the Senate GOP who stood their ground to a person. Yes !! Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins (R- Senators from Maine) were part of the effort to cut this fund from the bill. Good for them. In fact, it has gone without much mention but these two ladies have proven to be friends of the larger GOP Senate caucus as fiscal conservatives have fought for commonsense solutions to some of the financial issues plaguing this nation. They also held their ground in the fight against healthcare, objecting to the partisan "drop dead and go to hell" legislative process of Obama and Company with regard to healthcare ----- jds.

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