Nothing is as it appears when it comes to anything "Obama" and that includes his announcement to allow off-shore drilling.

Minority Leader, Representative John Boehner, made this statement as we seek to qualify Obama's announcement to allow for off shore drilling. Understand, that this man (Obama) is an "environmental freak" and, as such, does not believe in any kind of future for the oil and gas industry, especially when it comes to the nation's transportation needs.

The statement speaks for itself:

“The Obama Administration continues to defy the will of the American people who strongly supported the bipartisan decision of Congress in 2008 to lift the moratorium on offshore drilling not just off the East Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico, but off the Pacific Coast and Alaskan shores as well. Opening up areas off the Virginia coast to offshore production is a positive step, but keeping the Pacific Coast and Alaska, as well as the most promising resources off the Gulf of Mexico, under lock and key makes no sense at a time when gasoline prices are rising and Americans are asking ‘Where are the jobs?’

“It’s long past time for this Administration to stop delaying American energy production off all our shores and start listening to the American people who want an “all of the above” strategy to produce more American energy and create more jobs. Republicans are listening to the American people and have proposed a better solution – the American Energy Act – which will lower gas prices, increase American energy production, promote new clean and renewable sources of energy, and encourage greater efficiency and conservation.

“At the same time the White House makes today’s announcement, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is plotting a new massive job-killer that the American people can’t afford: a cascade of new EPA regulations that will punish every American who dares to flip on a light switch, drive a car, or buy an American product. Americans simply don’t want this backdoor national energy tax that will drive up energy and manufacturing costs and destroy jobs in our states and local communities.”

Editor's notes: you must understand that we are in the campaign season. While Obama will not "move to the middle" as Bill Clinton did, he will appear to have moved to the middle -- in fact, he will claim that he never left the "middle." His tough anti-terrorist talk and, now this announcement about drilling off shore, are calculations designed to mitigate the pending mid-term disaster for his party.

How can you tell the difference between a real and inspired "move to the middle?" Deeds measured over and against words, that's how. Words are never the means by which one evaluates the enemy unless, of course, there is nothing but words to analyzes.

For example: Obama is beginning to push back on the notion that he is a "socialist." He made this push back clear over the weekend with his interview on the Today Show host, Matt Whats-his-name. So, is he a socialist or not?

Why we believe Obama is a "Socialist"

You can either listen to the words or look to the (his) deeds. We remind you of his deeds. They give us the true Barack Husein Obama.

He obliterated accepted Wall Street rules and violated fiduciary agreements with "primary stockholders" in his take-over of GM and Chrysler.

His minions avoided Senate debate and secretly pushed through a complete take-over of the student loan industry costing thousands of jobs and adding to the Secular Government's thought control over schools who accept students receiving grants and loans for higher education pursuits. Expect to see applications for these grants and loans refused for students attending private or religious schools.

There is his confiscation of the funding giants, Fannie and Freddie, on Christmas eve, giving him access to their funds without the need for congressional approval, a story that was both under-reported and socialist to its core. News to you? We carried the story. In fact, this is the very story that got our original Midknight Review taken down on Dec. 26 !! Check out this link.

Look at Obama's use of federal regulation to begin his environmental policies -- i.e. the regulations governing the output of carbon dioxide (needed by trees to live !!). Understand that we know that regulations are what they are. But you must know that Obama is using "regulations" to begin an environmental policy that may not survive the congressional legislative process. That is what a socialist would do - not what a politician would do who respects the legislative process or respects public opinion.

There was his decision to refuse voucher support previously given to private schools. This was well documented last March ('09) as he continued his support of state run schools and teacher unions. You must know that Obama is no friend of private education.

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