Why the Health Care Summit? Why, it is all about winning and losing.

Last month, Obama was invited to the GOP Caucus Conference and took the opportunity, on camera, to insult, lecture and otherwise demagog his Republican opponents. He got a four day "bump" out of the ordeal and [slightly] energized his base. Apparently they [the base] like the tough talk of this Community Organizer in Chief. Obama's problem is this, his base is less than 19% of the population and he is not the only organizer in the game.

Midknight Review expects this mornings meeting to have a similar result as that of his GOP Conference appearance. Obama will get a "bump" out of this effort but nothing more.

He has made a fatal error, however. What will be "new" in this health care debate - as seen by the American voter - is the Republican Plan. If it is substantial and well presented, the GOP will come out the "winner." The talk has been, "The Republicans have no plan" in spite of the fact that a plan has been in existence since May/June of last year. After today, that criticism will have been effectively countered.

What he has missed in his strategy to gain the upper hand is the fact that he has given the GOP the national platform that has been denied them from the beginning of this health care ordeal.

As we have said, Obama is not the only organizer in the house. Think "Tea Party," "Conservative Grassroots Movement," 912 Project, GOP, Rush Limbaugh and his 20 million listeners, right wing Christian organizations, The Libertarian Party, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck with their 13 million listeners each, hundreds of bloggsters such as this editor and the huge network of conservative editorial pundits who publish each and everyday, most without pay.

Note: For the purposes of this article, we have just described "all of the above." Keep that in mind and keep reading.

This editor is 64 years old and is a part of a generation that has turned to Marxism for their answers. What is almost funny is this: this national battle has been brewing since our [the Baby Boomer's] college days, but has not come to a "head" until now -- when most of the working class of the Baby Boom Generation is retired and free to join in the conflict. While the Woodstock Druggies have long ago sobered up and moved into government leadership - something they use to hate - the other half of the Boomer Generation has retired and the war is on ---- the sober Woodstock Druggies versus the hard working taxpaying, freedom fighting Normal People.

News flash - it is beginning to look like the Normals are winning.

Whatever"bump" Obama gets out of this ridiculous Summit will be completely reversed by the concerted efforts of "all of the above. "

The GOP Conference episode was initially seen as a "win" for Obama. But this opinion was reversed within 6 days by "all of the above." Expect that to happen again and again, until Obama is gone from the American political scene. He is leaving the scene, not the Normal People. Believe it !!!!! ----- jds.

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