We give our review and commentary of the Obama Health Care proposal. It is obvious that Obama is devoid of the ability to think originally - that all of the points below can be found in either the House or Senate proposals - that none of this represents a consensus opinion of either the
Dems or the Republicans!!! In fact, there is no evidence to indicate that the GOP was even allowed to express an opinion.
Understand this: the claim that there are dozens of features in the health care bill that are supported by the GOP
Dems are not totally wrong. You must know that the ideas in this bill supported by the GOP are not in the bill because of bipartisanship - heck, the GOP has been locked out of every draft meeting for this bill.
At no time has the GOP been a part of the writing of the current proposition in either the House or the Senate. One would expect agreement in a bill that is 2074 long - that agreement does not make the bill "bipartisan." Get that through your head.
Look, if I am a tyrannical husband but let my wife go to the grocery store once in a while, something she thinks is necessary, does that liberty counter the claim that I am a tyrant ? Of course not. Obama is about to bring a bill to the table on February the 25
th, lay it on the table and say, "
Here is the bill. This is what I have decided needs to be done. I will not tolerate further delay. What do you want to add to this bill -- because we are going to run this through Congress whether you or your constituency want this bill or not. The time for action is now." Anyone think this sounds like "bipartisanship?"
And what is in this thing that is new and original with Obama? You decide for yourself.
1. 31 million will be insured leaving 18 uninsured.
2. Americans would pay a penalty if they refuse coverage.
3. Obama would give the Feds the power to reject insurance company rate hikes without regard to the reasonableness of the proposed increase, roll back premium prices (!) and force insurance companies to give rebates to consumers --- the notion that the public option is not in this bill is a lie. This feature, alone, gives the Federal Government the authority to control insurance companies .
4. Like the Senate bill, Obama would expand Medicaid for the poor. After 2017, this expansion would be covered primarily by the individual States. [which State is ready for that !!!?].
5. The Cadillac Tax (40% of the annual premiums of policies with eye and dental) remains in the bill but is moved to 2017 before the tax goes into effect. On a premium of $1000 (monthly) this would add another $400 to the monthly premium - anyone ready for that ?? Also, this particular tax is NOT assessed on auto and public works union folks. You, Mr Joe America, get to pay their "Cadillac" tax and why not ? You already pay their salary via confiscatory taxation and Obama is growing their numbers as fast as he can.
6. He would assess an initial $10 billion tax on drug companies - something they will counter with increased charges for their drug supplies and the consumer will pay all of this over-charge.
7. Obama will charge businesses that refuse to participate, companies of 50 or more employees, a penalty of $2000 per employee - up from the $750 penalty in the current Senate proposal.
8. Small businesses and the self-employed would choose their insurance coverage from purchasing pools called "exchanges," predetermined and assigned by the Federal Government - more of the public option that is "not" in this bill !!
9. The pro-abortion language of the Senate bill, rejected by 47 House Democrat members, remains in this bill.
So there you have it. This bill, the Obama bill, demonstrates
Obama's thorough inability to be a leader of a people. Guaranteed - this will anger both Democrats and Republicans. Get ready for another 8 months of bickering and in-fighting. And Obama is to blame.
Review and commentary by editor of Midknight Review. ..