As you may know, the original Midknight Review was taken down by Google or someone at Google on December 26th, 3 hours following a harsh article written by this editor detailing the Christmas Eve gift to Obama from a Marxist controlled Congress giving the man, Obama, the ability to utilize the funds of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac without Congressional approval for the remainder of his first term in office. In so doing, he now has the unreported ability to fully fund AND grow ACORN, in preparation for the coming two election cycles. In that article I called for his impeachment - something that we have not done here at Midknight Review. As mentioned, three hours later, Midknight Review was off line and permanently shut down, using "spam" as the excuse.
While there may be disagreement as to whether this was the product of a robot review gone wild, or the end result of Google clandestined policy, the fact of the matter is that Google allows for such action and does so without offering an avenue for protest or a couse for correction.
Just this morning, I received a rather disturbing note from a blogger friend informing me that his blog was being reviewed or followed by OFA.
OFA ?? Don't know what that is? Well, it was originally called Obama for America. This is part of Obama's civilian army. It is now called Organization for America after specific concerns were made with regard to Obama and his volunteer force. In speeches on video, Obama has claimed to be intimately involved in the workings of SEIU (the 2 million member service employees union) for "all of my adult life" and owns the leadership of ACORN, having trained these people while living in Chicago prior to becoming a freshman US Senator.
There is, of course, NO REASON for an Obama organization, whether the OFA, SEIU or ACORN, to be monitoring ANY Conservative blog - at least no good reason. So, when this activity is reported, it is of great concern. The Pentagon spent a few minutes looking at the original Midknight Review, as well. Actually, we don't mind the Pentagon's review - they are looking of threats to the presidents well being. Find with us. But the OFA? They are looking for Conservatives !! So say that we are overly concerned in this regard, but we don't think so. Why? Well, if for no other reason, because of this remarkable quote made by Barack Hussein Obama:
Least You Forget: On July 2, 2008, Obama had this to say: "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." (see the video below beginning at 16:46 for these words.}
Let that soak in for just a moment. Read it again. Tell me what honest value exists in this particular wording. " . . . just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-fund." This is no conspiracy of thought on the part of conservative bloggers ------------------- it is cold hard fact. Christmas Eve, this Stranger in Our White House got his funding !!!!
We leave you with these comments from Page 4 and the video offering of the words we have highlighted.
And then there is this. One of our quotes above can be found at 16;46 into this speech - his remarks about a civilian army. But before he gets to that, In this Colorado speech, spoke of doubling the size of the Peace Corp before 2011; creating an Energy Corp, and increasing AmericCorp from 75,000 to 250,000. He failed to mention that these folks will be forbidden to attend church or participate in any activity that appears to be partisan (in other words, opposing his Administration.
In this speech, he speaks these words as to the direction and use of America's volunteers: " . . . we will direct that service to our most pressing national challenges . . . " without giving a hint as to what those challenges might be. We now know - as a result of the early 2009 elections - that he intends to use these volunteers to "get out the vote," a "bipartisan" effort that will benefit only the Democrat Party, ala ACORN's "non-partisan" get out the vote efforts over the years that has resulted, historically, in millions of Democrat voters against a few hundred Republican voters. As you listen to this speech, can you imagine that those Vets in the background, have no idea that Obama is announcing plans for a Marxist take-over of American ideals as defined in the Constitution? They clap but have no idea they are listening to one who cares nothing for them or their history - a dedicated Marxist in Black Liberation clothing.
Our country is being taken over by those who would have the American dream, as defined by history, fail.
And I want to be exceedingly clear on one point - there is no room for public rhetoric that calls from physical harm to Mr. Obama. The killings of JFK, Robert Kennedy and Marin Luther King Jr., were sadly fueled by so-called "conservative" concerns. The men responsible for these killings were not ideologues, however, nor were they lone wingnuts. We tend to forget that back in the 1960's when all these killings occurred, the Southern Attitude and the Military Mindset of the day was owned by the Democrats. I was in college back then and an idealistic supporter of change - a young Democrat who knew that evil existed within the Party and voted for Jimmy Carter [the first election of Carter] and the change upon which he campaigned. Take the KKK ------------- back in the '60's, it was lead and funded by rightwing Democrat partisans - period. Trash, pure trash. We MUST NOT go there. Obama needs to be sent to the hen house BUT via an election process. The third world riots and kills and "overthrows," we vote and that will be enough in 2010/2012. -- editor
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