This single witness settles the claim that Trump disparaged our soldiers, thank you John Bolton. (Hint: Its all a lie).

 Yael Halon / Fox News:

John Bolton denies claim Trump disparaged fallen American soldiers in France: ‘Simply false’  —  ‘The main issue was whether or not weather conditions permitted the president to go’  —  Former national security adviser John Bolton disputed the main thesis of The Atlantic's recent report alleging … 
Personally,  the only lie that is more ridiculous (and there are many)  is the absolute lie that Trump is anti-Semitic.  

1 comment:

  1. “The President does not do any official work until his hair and makeup are finished. The makeup process takes 25 minutes, and his hair takes another hour and a half to sculpt into a mop that obscures the reality that Trump is almost entirely bald."
    -- John Bolton

    This squares with the fact that Trump didn't want to go out in the rain because it would mess up his hair.

