About those 6 million jobs created by or during the Trump Administration. What would be this number if we did an Obama count . . . . "created and saved."

Of the 6 million jobs created during the Trump Administration,  1 million are black jobs and 2 million are Hispanics  . . . . .   part of the reason for a 40% Hispanic/Trump approval rating.

If we were still in the Obama B.S. years,  the job count would be around 20 million "created or saved" jobs.  Understand that the Recovery began during Obama who did nothing to generate jobs except cross his fingers.  The Expansion began 24 hours after Trump's Inauguration Ceremony.  The steep incline in the Market and the Economy literally began during that first 24 hours after an 800 pt. drop in the Market (during the first 12 hours)  . . . . .  a fall completely reversed by the end of the first 24 (hours). 

Krugman predicted a Market collapse should Trump win the election.  Asked when the Market would recover,  he said,  "Never."   Again,  with the first 12 hours, it looked as though Krugman was right.  The following two and half years (after the first 12 hours) have proven Krugman to be as partisan and unprofessional as one could imagine.  

 Obama's "recovery" was the slowest in modern history,  averaging 1.8% GDP.  By contrast,  the first two years of Trump,  the "expanision" years,  have averaged 3% GDP.  In fact,  the Obama recovery was so slow,  that Barack invented the "created or saved" category,  a desgination never before used by prognostricators.  Turns out that "created or saved" was solid B.S.  in the same vein as his claims for ObamaCare.  

Since its signing in March of 2010,  30 million folks remain uninsured (ASA was never "universal"), costs have increased by as much as 30% instead of decreasing by $2,500 for a family of four,  millions of folks have been forced off their existing policies and into ObamaCare, and deductibles have grown so high ($12,000 for a family of five  -  my son's policy) that few can afford to use their ObamaCare policies for coverage.  And so,  after nine years,  we are still talking about the health care crisis,  a crisis that was supposedly solved by Barack and his genius for dealing with economic/fiscal problems.

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