About the quiet transition of the GOP

Let's begin with the fact that Trump is not a "Tea Party Republican" in the strict sense of the word.  No doubt that he is a Conservative, but one who is willing to work with the Democrats,  a conservative that sees  the need to spend money as he compromises with the Dems to repair the military  . . .  something the hard right was unwilling to do (talking about "compromise") . . .   while the military grew weaker and weaker as a result.

Understand that Democrat Party Leadership could not care less about the health of our military.  Under Obama,  half of our air force, for example,   was grounded due to lack of repair.  Our Navy battler ship force was embarrassing down as was our ground forces count,   Truth be told,  we could not fight a two front war.  The Dems would argue, "Neither can our enemies"  which completely overlooks the fact that our geo-location in the physical world presents serious enemy opportunities to the East (Russia) and the West (China).  We should never forget that it took two years to equip our military for a two front war during WW II (two years after Pearl Harbor).  

The Dems love to quote the fact that we spend as much on our military as all other major powers combined.  They overlook the fact that no other major power lives with as many enemies eager for victory, that no other country has as many nuclear-capable enemies as the USA.  

Trump made the decision that rebuilding the military was more important than cutting spending,  so he compromised with the Dems in order to empower our armed forces  . . .  a critical and sound decision.  

Secondly,  the Progressives have spent more than two decades stacking our federal court system with Globalist/Progressive judges.  Trump has done more to reverse that trend than any conservative president in American history.  He only needs the Senate to continue his efforts in this venue, and,  as things stand at the moment,  the Senate looks "safe" for conservatives.  

Which brings me to "point three."  The GOP will not retake the House.  I believe that we lost the House in 2018 due to the fact the more than 40 Republicans resigned or retired out of the House.  And, sadly,  that trend appears to continue.  What we are witnessing is the migration of the moderate/globalist Republican away from Congress and that migration will continue through 2020.  

In the end,  the GOP will return the House someday,  but not in 2020 unless, of course,  the Dems manage to turn off their voting base before the election.  One thing for certain,  there is a good chance that the "new" GOP will look more like Trump than the present leadership wants.   You should know that the Patriot Nation is informed but increasing in the knowledge of a Left Wing Conspiracy dedicated to the abolition of conservative/nationalism and the implimenatation of a governance designed to move this nation toward a repressive globalism that threatens the freedom of independent minds and anyone who claims the true values of a patriot.   . . . . .   period.

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