CNN goes after Monica Crowley for a critical article concerning Barack Obama. Turns out that most of her article was/is true.

from this headline, 
CNN: Treasury pick Monica Crowley spread Obama smears: ‘Can he be both loyal to Islam and loyal to the United States?’ ,
we have the following quote. 

Writing in a blog post in April 2011 after the release of Obama's long-form birth certificate, Crowley praised Donald Trump for questioning Obama's citizenship and called concerns about the birth certificate legitimate.
"If the birth certificate were [sic - was]  never a big deal, why did No Drama Obama wait nearly 3 years before releasing it? Why endure and stoke all of the drama? To make those raising legitimate concerns about his origins and policies look like kooks? Maybe," wrote Crowley.
"For over 2 1/2 years, questions have been raised about Obama's origins and background," she added. "He was never properly vetted by an adoring press corps, so outstanding concerns existed about his birth certificate (the long-form of which he had never released), where he grew up, his family's religious background, his parents' political beliefs, how he got into top schools such as Columbia and Harvard Law, how he paid for his education, what his grades were, etc. The questions were and are legitimate, and yet were never fully answered. In fact, anyone daring to ask them was painted as a fringe moron at best and racist at worst."
In 2011, Hawaiian officials, at Obama's request, released the long form of his birth certificate. It indicated that he had, indeed, been born in Hawaii. Conspiracy theorists continue to allege the document was a forgery.

 Understand that this editor has extensively researched Barack Obama,  and finds Crowley's commentary to be absolutely true.  CNN considers her summary review as "smears" simply because it is not complementary to our past president.  

My list includes all of her points with the following considerations or changes:  Barack was more than 6 years revealing his birthcertificat,  not two or three years.  All of his school transcripts have been sealed including both his grades and how his advanced education was financed.  She left off the fact that he lied about every single major point regarding ObasmaCare including the fact that the reform bill was a tax/insurance reform bill,  not a reform of our healthcare system.  She did not point out that 20+ of Barack's legislation was challenged to the Supreme Court and overturned by 9-0 decisions.  In other words,  his own Court appointees voted against his legislation in those 20+ cases.  In fact,  his legislation was overturned more than any sitting president dating back to Truman (1950). He was a fierce opponent of Netanyahu,  Prime Minister of Israel, sending a campaign detail to Isreal and spending millions in that country,  during one of the Prime Minister's election cycles. Barack once promised to be more "flexible" in his dealings with Russia,  a promise caught on an open mic. The Iranian nuclear deal was never a signed document or treatise.  What is not commonly known is the fact this Iranian deal did not include inspections at any of Iran's military sites.    More than this, Barack gave 1.7 billion (yes,  with a "b")  on the same day Iran released American hostages.  There is much more, but available space limits our entries to this article.  

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