Even CNN knows the "10 events" all have legit explanations that have nothing to do with obstruction.

Jeffery Toobin of CNN fame,  their resident lawyer,  admitted on Saturday,  in a group discussion on CNN,  that for every one of the 10 events outlined by Mueller in his Part II report there are viable explanations having  nothing to do with "obstruction."

Can you imagine a trial for impeachment,  a trail for the purpose of proving high crimes and misdemeanors, in which the Dems showed evidence that Trump wanted to fire Mueller while the GOP proved that when all the talk was done,  Mueller wasn't fired.  Or,  the Twin Towers meeting Donnie attended,  a meeting promising "dirt"  on Hillary  (as if opposition research was illegal) while the GOP proved there was no dirt,  the meeting was a dud and Don Jr left the meeting within 10 minutes.  Or,  Comey's firing by Trump  . . .  a "clear attempt to impede the investigation,"  while the GOP shows evidence that Hillary would have fired the man had she won,  that the Assistant A.G.,  Rod Rosenstein,  recommended his firing in writing,  and - most importantly - his firing did not impede the Mueller investigation at all.

So let the Dems have their trial.  It will be a joke for the entire nation to see and the Democrats know it   . . . .    well, the leadership knows.    There is no smoking gun,  there are no events proving obstruction,  Mueller FINISHED his investigation and Trump did nothing to stop the investigation.

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