Trump/Mattis did what Barack was unwilling to do. Hail to the Chief.

Trump, Mattis turn military loose on ISIS, leaving caliphate in tatters...

Iraq just announced all ISIS land under their silly "califate" has been recovered.  Barack had no plans to do the same,  certainly not in 10 months,  proving that his "strategic patience" was nothing more than a liberal pretense at the "proper way to wage war."  In fact,  Obama once challenged the strategy of "victory,"  announcing that he did not think "victory" was/is a viable term in today's war climate.  

When he pulled away from Syria,  when the folks were begging him to stay and fight,  he condemned 500,000 to death and another 11 million as refugees,  and,  came away believing that these loses were "acceptable" in the face of "WW III."  What a classless jerk this man was,  a loser of epic proportions,  a child in the midst of men and a failed world leader standing at the center of a company of blind followers.  

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