Trump as I see him:

You cannot write a series of articles about the personalities within the current Administration without beginning with the President.  

I like him.  I see a strategy in nearly everything the man does,  including his recent public attacks on Jeff Session,  who I also like.  

I believe the President wants Session to pick up speed on several issues at hand.  And,  as a result of the latest public humiliation,  Sessions is responding in a positive way.  

This blog has no plans on being an adviser to Trump.  Neil Cavuto on Fox Busness News,  cannot air a segment without telling us over and over again, that Trump should stop with the Tweets.  I am not going there,  because I know that Trump is not going to do    . . . . . .   and how many times has the man be vindicated (two or three weeks down the road) after sounding off with one of his tweets?  

Can he walk and chew gum?  Wow.  How about this: The man can walk and do 10 different things at the same time. If you think he is a do nothing-but-talk president  (ala Barack Obama),  you simply are not paying any attention to what is going on.  

The fact that McCain and Shep Smith (Fox News) are "never Trumpers" is a huge plus for the President.  

At any rate,  I want this to be "short and sweet,"  so I will forego the rather long list of major accomplishments at this time.  

The biblical Cyrus (the Persian king who defeated the Babylonians and freed Israel from that bondage)  was a pagan and a God appointed blessing to Israel at the same time.  Donald Trump is our Cyrus.