Barack was part of a 25 year plan to take America away from its roots, and bring it into union with the no-borders world of the godless Euopean Socialist Union.

BOSTON, Feb. 5  1990  — The Harvard Law Review, generally considered the most prestigious in the country, elected the first black president in its 104-year history today. The job is considered the highest student position at Harvard Law School.

The new president of the Review is Barack Obama, a 28-year-old graduate of Columbia University who spent four years heading a community development program for poor blacks on Chicago's South Side before enrolling in law school. His late father, Barack Obama, was a finance minister in Kenya and his mother, Ann Dunham, is an American anthropologist now doing fieldwork in Indonesia. Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii. (see the full article in the NY Times no less,  here.)

Note: the talking heads of the Democrat Party knew all about Barack Obama 18 years before he made his run for President, as the above article evidences.   Their godless, anti-capitalist,  European Progressive strategy was nearly three decades in the making,  including Barack's renegade presidency,  and, --  most importantly --  a victorious second Obama presidency in the person of Hillary Clinton.   

Understand that when he picked up his pen and his phone,  he sacrificed "legislative permanency" for the sake of his own,  self aggrandizing legacy.  Hillary had to win for this 30 year plan to work.  Because of her own petulant behavior,  she set European Socialism in this country,  back at least two generations.  Understand that the children of the Millennial Generation,  are growing up conservative.  If Trump can get a second term,  eight years from now,  this Z Generation will be 28 and younger, more conservative and less given to tinfoil nonsense.  It appears that the Obama Type Progressives are looking at a closing window of opportunity for their subversive take over of this once great nation.  

Editor:  Now the truth.  The Editor of the Harvard Law Review is one of the most prestigious positions of any law school.   The president of the Review is a winner of a popularity contest, the winner of a vote by the other editor's on the Review.  After 1970,  the Review ended its grades requirement for "President,"  making it possible for Barack to become the first black elected to president of the Review   . . .    thanks to the affirmative action policies of the school.  He didn't have the grades for the position,  nor did he have an peer reviewed articles to his credit.  But he had personality and the ability to BS his way through life. 

 His father?  He only met the man once and had no relationship with his father.    His father was a communist and a Muslim.  His mother was an atheist and hated capitalism.  He was raised by his white mother and his white grandparents.  He was schooled in Indonsia,  a country with the largest Muslim population on earth, and in a upper middle class school in Hawaii.  

In Chicago,  he was a community organizer,  which is a misleading term in view of the fact that he was a professional trouble maker.  He managed no more than 13 people.  He attended the black activist church "pastored" by Jeremiah Wright for 20 years,  a man he dumped during the 2008 campaign and never returned to that church or the friendship of his long time mentor [Jeremiah Wright].  


  1. Gallup: Obama left office 62% approval
    Pew Research: International approval 64%
    Trump international approval 22%

    1. Comrades and fellow despots loved Barack. I fail to see this as being a plus.

    2. Actually no, Obama's approval is behind Trumps only in Putin's Russia.

    3. The Middle East countries that have stable governments repect Trump much more than Barack. And they respect Trump more because of Obama's red line. Egypt's el- SiSi is on record explaining why he was not more involved in Obama's fantasy "coalition: In short, it was the red line . . speaking of Obama, SiSi said, "Obama will start a fight and then leave to do something else. Chavez did nothing but literally make fun of Obama to his face . . . on more than one occasion. Obama's approval numbers in Israel was around 4%. With our military, his approval numbers were around 15% . . . . pathetic.

      The Obama Pew poll surveyed the world's leaders, including the dictators, socialists, despots. So Castro likes the guy, so what? So the corrupt government of Mexico likes Obama. BFD. NATO leadership likes the man because he stood for nothing but was willing to redistribute American wealth to many of the poorer NATO countries.

  2. For starters, I do not care what a bunch of socialists think of Trump and his policy of Renewed Nationalism. But the numbers in the Pew poll have a problem. Here is what one lonely Socialist says about the Pew poll in summary: 37 Nation avg:

    Obama: 64%
    Trump: 22%

    Views of the US: approval - disapproval
    under Obama: 64-26
    under Trump: 49-39

    "US approval numbers" are tied at the hip to the president. 645 was the average approval rating for Hussein, sure enough, US approval was at 64%. But when it comes to the BS job Pew is trying to pull, Trump averages 175 but a respectable, early presidential rating via national rating of 49%.

    Kiss off with your numbers.

    And the military preferred Trump over Hillary and Obama in 2016. And only 20% of Israelis approved of Barack and his so-called Iranian "deal."

    All your numbers prove is the effectiveness of American propaganda machine we all know as the "Corporate Media." Let's see where these numbers fall 8 years from now.

    1. Oh, BTW, I was only kidding about that "4%" number.

    2. Which is more important, a man's history and his personal lies used to advance himself, or some popularity contest?


  3. Pew's numbers? You mean the same polling company you've quoted on this blog?

    1. Because I have quoted Pew does not mean Pew is not part of the Communal Cabal threatening this nation's sovereignty.

      Try to remember I made this point.

  4. I think you nailed it when you made the point that Hillary was a necessary part of the hostile takeover of our country by the Obama Left. But I would make more of the fact that the Left actually thought they were going to take back the Senate, as well as getting Hillary elected. Neither happened, of course. But Senate strategy for the Dems is never talked about. It too failed, and in this failure, the High Court was saved form a partisan divide.
